Sequel: Running With Scissors

Those Worse Off Than You

Part 68 [Ace's POV]

I hadn't told Jayde's dad that I knew who had caused that crash. If I told him, he would know who had caused all the accidents; all the hit and runs. Not like I had anything to lose now.

I had coverred for my father before- ever since he first came home drunk in his care with blood lining his hood. I had cleaned it up; ignored it... at fisrt thinking maybe it was a deer or something. That was... until the news got out.

I wasn't there to cover for him now- he had gotten himself into a real mess. The strange thing was that I thought he was in rehab. But I knew the car- it was distinctive through my eyes- even if it did look like it had gone through a shredder: all cruched against a tree- a bloody wreckage.

I had been sitting in the lounge at the care center since I got back, watching the news. Waiting to see if he had hurt anyone this time. The reporter didn't have enough information though. Three citizins included- one in minor condition, one in serious condition. One dead.

With my luck, my father was the one in minor condition. I strangely wanted to see him suffer. I wanted to see him on life support- I wanted him to feel the way he had made other people feel. It was sick- but I longed for it.

One of the younger care workers, Alice, walked in and stormed to the back corner of the room, tearing apart a fight and sending everyone off to their rooms. As they all began to leave, the room was quiet and empty, except for one kid. Alex. He waited until everyone had left the room, including Alice before we strutted across the room like he was the best thing this world had ever seen, with a dumbfounded smirk on his face.