To Kill a Spirit


I was walking in a dark, unfamiliar, hallway. A hospital hallway. I realized that I've been sitting at one corner for a long time now--the back of my head drenched in sweat--I struggled to stand straight up. As I was walking in the hallway with two flickering lights, I felt some thing in my right hand. It's hard and heavy.

It was a gun.

I struggled to keep moving forward. I tried to stop myself but there was something that kept me going on. It was like I was trying to kill somebody...

And there it was. At the end of the hallway, there was someone, glowing, with dark, terrorized eyes. I knew in that instant that killing him was my goal.

I am his goal, too.

He crouched in front of me, then he ran forward--screaming--with a bloody knife pointed towards my heart.
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here it is! the birth of another story!! :D