To Kill a Spirit


Graduation caps suddenly flew in the air. I was a little late, so I didn't mind that and decided to hug my friends and say goodbye to them.

In the midst of the crowd, I saw Kate, my best friend. She squeezed her way towards me.

"Oh, hey, Kate!", I said, hugging her tightly.
"Hi, Amy! Oh, I'm so going to miss you!", she said, her eyes filled with tears. "Do you believe this? It's like only yesterday when we first talked in biology class and now, we're about to go to college!"
"Yeah, time really flies. Any plans for tonight?"

That statement seemed to excite her. She likes going out as much as I do. This is because--like her--I'm a popular girl at school. But not the diva-drama-queen type. I'm just being nice to everybody. Sort of.

"Yeah, yeah! Oh, I almost forgot. Um, we're gonna head to Stanley's place tonight. He's having a huge party."
"The valedictorian, remember?", she said, with a smile.
"Oh, yeah." I shook my head.
"So, I'll pick you up at around 8:00. Everybody's going to be there, so, come, 'kay?"
"Of course."


The music in Kate's car is, literally, booming. But it got me in the "party mood" anyway, so I didn't really care.

"Some boys take a beautiful girl
And hide her away from the rest of the world
I want to be the one to walk in the sun
Oh girls they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have...", We both screamed inside the car. It's as if it's the last song we're going to be able to sing.

We were both busy singing (shouting, actually.), that I didn't notice we were already parked in front of Stanley's house.

"Let's go, Amy!", she said. Her voice was full of enthusiasm and excitement.
"Sure! C'mon.", I said. I sounded exactly like her.

We both laughed.

Literally, the way to their huge front porch is covered with a red carpet. All of Stanley's guests walked on the red carpet fabulously, and I was one of them.

Inside the house, it was very crowded. Everybody is dancing with the beat the DJ is providing. Everyone is having fun (mainly because of the big disco ball above their heads.). On the left side of the crowded room, a long table was lined with numerous food and drinks to keep the guests going.

Minutes has already passed, and I was dancing along to the beat with my friends. It felt so good. Freedom. Sweet freedom.