To Kill a Spirit


I was suddenly running for my life. Another dark hallway. Didn't I pass this hallway seconds again? My sluggish feet ran against something...
I saw my killer at the end of the hall.

I shot my gun towards her.

My bed was drenched in sweat. The room was so hot, it felt like I was miles away from the sun.

"She's awake", someone said.

I tried to move my legs, but I can't. It was so painful, I don't even want to think how to move. What time is it? I can't even remember why I was here. Hadn't I been in a party moments ago? Ugh. My head felt dizzy.

"Amy? Amy?"
"Hmm" was all I managed to say.
"You're fine. You've been in an accident, don't worry, you're well and alive"


Someone came knocking on the door. I heard murmurs from the far corner of the room-it must've been the nurse.

I felt someone check my condition, pulls of wires, touching the plaster on my knee, and pouring of water. I think.

I can't even open my eyes; suddenly it felt like I forgot how to.

Then I remembered Jessica. My eyes shot open; I was worried.

"Mom, where's Jessica? How's she? Is she alive?", I said in a clear, sure voice.
"Honey, I think this isn't the right time for-"
"I need to know where she is! She's my friend!", I insisted.
"You need to rest and-"

I'm not sure why I'm this worried. What's wrong with me? Mom sat down on the bed beside me.

"Listen. Jessica didn't survive the accident. I'm very sorry for your loss, dear."

A big lump in my throat started to form.

"So you mean Jessica's dead?", I asked, full of shock.
"Basically, yeah. I'm sorry, dear.", mom said, full of sympathy.

I sobbed into my mother's shoulders.

"That could've been me!", I sobbed.
"I know honey, but don't worry, you're safe here with me."

I'm never used to these near-death experiences, so now I feel that I was the dead.

How I wish I was.

Jessica was my friend. I've never lost one ever before so this day feels like a nightmare and I'm trapped in it. How could I even sleep in that stupid car when I knew Jessica's bad condition? How could I even let her drive knowing she's depressed? Worried?

It was all my fault.
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