Resident Evil: Tyrant Chronicles

Power Hungry

Chapter 4: Power Hungry

Wesker sat at his desk almost meditating, recalling a part of his life when he held most power, when he had the ability to produce fire at his finger tips. He remembered the night at the mansion, on Rockfort Island (a solitary private isle owned by the Umbrella Corp.) When he flew in mid air, the fire flowed through his veins and out through his hands. The strength he had was…unbelievable, however, since then it had dwindled down.

Wesker is finding a way though, by having never ending tests done with a new virus.

He knew how it could be done…it was only a matter of time.

The alarm sounded, and the visual presentation of a girl appeared right in front of Wesker’s desk, “What the hell is going on?!” Wesker asked.

“Sir, the Tyrant has escaped, I have him contained in the upper levels, but he is working his way down.”

Wesker logged onto his computer to view the cameras of each floor, he clicked on
the upper levels. What he saw was unbelievable; the beast was at its full effect, he saw it rip guards apart.

The Tyrant took ones hand and ripped it off, the blood spurting on the camera making it impossible to see.

Then the Tyrant turned around and looked directly into another camera placed onto the wall.

He stared at it, and Wesker looking at it too. Almost as if the Tyrant sensed Wesker was watching him, he knew what he wanted…Wesker’s head to be crushed into pieces.

There eyes locked into a bloody feud, till Wesker burst out laughing hysterically.

He then punched the computer in, his fist went through it making a perfect circle.

He walked out of his office through the holographic girl; he was up for a fight.