Sweet Child O' Mine

"No talky now"

I woke up the next morning.... you'll never guess. Sneezing. Yes, weird, I know. I'm still figuring that one out. But I'll tell ya, it wasn't only with a sneeze. I had a major head rush and sore throat. I groaned, checking the clock on my phone. 3:26 a.m. Ew. I sneezed again and the hurling feeling came. I scrambled off the couch and to the bathroom, dry-heaving. Apparently my stomach didn't think there was enough food in my stomach to hurl. Call me anorexic, but I almost would've preferred the food coming up. This felt awkward and way gross. My stomach somewhat settled so I rolled over on the floor, wincing.

Just then I heard footsteps and someone knocked on the door timidly. I answered with a groan and rolled over on my knees, clutching my stomach. The door opened slowly and in stepped.... oh, you totally saw this coming: Brian. He saw the state I was in and knelt down next to me, rubbing my back, asking what was wrong. I merely wrinkled my nose and moaned again. If it wasn't obvious....

"Feeling sick?" He asked. I nodded, thank you Captain Obvious. "I'll be right back." I wanted to tell him to bring back Pepto but my mouth seemed glued shut. Instead a minute later the bus stopped for a second and back came Brian, picking me up and carrying me outside. W.T.F.? The bus started again and drove off, one of the rental cars were left behind. Brian set me in the passenger's seat, buckled me in, then got in the driver's seat instead. Then? You know you see this coming too: black.


I woke up after what seemed like hours (and it probably wasn't) later to bright lights, white walls and in a bed. Oh my god, my time has come: I'm in a freaking insane asylum. And here I thought the boys were joking about putting me in one...

Brian was by my side and that almost surprised me. "We're in a hospital. The doctor'll be back in a few with antibiotics." He told me. Oh. That's good. But then not really.... I had the fucking flu. Damn you rain! Damn you!!! I rolled over on my stomach, 'mrrph'ing into the pillow. I was exhausted. "You're a hell of a lot lighter than you look."

I would've thanked him. But then the doctor chose to come back then and I found the bed pan, grabbed it, and promptly hurled. Oh, there's my dinner.


Brian was still laughing all the way to the next stop of the tour. I decided to try and ignore it. Key word: try. I'd even turned up the volume on the radio full blast and could still hear the fucker's laughter. It was cute, but I hated when people laughed at me, not with me. See, I'll find this situation funny later. It just hasn't caught up with me yet.

He finally quieted down, turning the volume lower on the radio until I heard the faint 'click' of it turning off. "Perfect time to talk."

I don't know what the next sound out of my mouth could be qualified as, but it came out as a mixture of a whine and groan. I did not want to talk. Talking seriously was just not my thing. "How about later?" I offered.

"No. Now."

I hit my head on the window. No talky now. I frowned. Great, now I was starting to sound like a 2-year-old.

"Was that just a heat of the moment thing, or did you actually feel something?" Brian asked me almost.... wait, was he getting nervous? And, dare I say it, shy. Wow, if only I had a camera.

Oh, I felt something alright. Right when that bitch interrupted, I felt like I wanted to scream, throw something, and fucking hurl all at the same time. Funny how it ended up me leaving rather calmly considering. I chewed on my bottom lip, an annoying habit I had. "Most definitely felt something." I mumbled reluctantly, mentally slapping myself.

It's a good thing he heard me, because I sure as hell wasn't going to repeat it. "Alright.... so that's both good and bad..." He murmured thoughtfully, I glanced over to see his grip on the wheel tighten.

"How so?" I whispered.

"Good, because the feelings are mutual, and that's also the bad thing. You're underage, and not to mention 10 years younger than me. Not to mention my best friend's kid for crying out loud." He let out a sigh of frustration.

I shrugged, yawning. "Not like I give a damn about that. I'll be 18 in a couple months, anyway."

"But then there's Michelle...." Brian added, hesitant in doing so.

"Dump 'er."

"Not as easy as it sounds..."

"You sound like you've tried before."

Brian nodded. "Yeah, and totally got my ass chewed out for it. But that's not quite the problem I'm talking about."

Dare I ask.... Okay, fine. "What's the problem?"

"She's pregnant."
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And I shall update tomorrow!! lol