Sweet Child O' Mine

"Hate Him"

(lyke, oh my gawrsh!!)

I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.... Did I mention I hate him?

Jacob and Juliet were at the merch booth of ours (our merch kids were taking the day off from our 'insane' fans for a day) laughing, smiling, making googly eyes at each other, making out..... like right now, for instance. There was no one buy merch right now and they had their chairs scooted closer, his tongue shoved down her throat like there was no tomorrow.

Of course, they wouldn't be doing anything like this out in public if she weren't "in disguise" thought it's still so obviously her... I mean, can you really mistake that milky white skin, the elegant script permanently inked on her skinny wrists, the adorable smile, and abso-fucking-lutely alluring laughter. Not to mention Max's fashion taste. I seriously wonder if he's really 'straight'.... At the sound of footsteps theyfinally broke apart, grinning like Mad Hatters.

Why I was watching this, I had no idea. Maybe I'm just a closet masochist.... Ugh, great, now I've resorted to stalking and staring. Someone please shoot me?Before Michelle does the job for you. Whoa! Where did that come from?? I have no idea.... Shut up!!

"We gotta close up now, pretty much all the merch is sold and no one's really coming so..." Jacob trailed off, shrugging. He started packing up the remainder of the merch and helped Jules fold the table. She grabbed that while he got the boxes and they went back to where our bus and trailer were. Again, I followed...

God I feel like such a creeper.... Don't even say it.

Jules laughed at something else Jacob said, dropping the table on her foot. She yelped and started hopping on one foot. "Ow, ow, ow!!" She laughed, dropping down on her butt. "God, I'm such a klutz." She laughed, cradling her foot in her hand.

"Shit! Are you okay?" Jacob asked, dropping the boxes to crouch down next to her.

"This stuff happens all the time, I'll be fine," Jules said nonchalantly with a wave of her hand. She moved her foot a little and hissed. When she tried standing up, Jacob pushed her back down gently.

"Oh no you don't, you're not going anywhere on that foot." He pulled out his SideKick and dialed a number. "Hey, Zack? Yeah, your klutz of a daughter dropped a table on her foot and I need someone to grab the merch while I bring her back to the buses.... Yeah, laughed too much, table slipped out of her grasp and it fell on her foot..... I can't tell, the stupid boot's in the way... She can't move it even a little bit without it hurting...." Juliet was about to protest that when he sent her a stern look to which she stuck her tongue out to. He grinned mischievously and leaned in quick, licking her tongue. She busted up laughing. Hey! I did that!! .... Can anyone say pedophile? "Alright, see you in a few."

Jake hung up the phone and stuffed it back in his pocket, picking Jules up, making her squeak and giggle. "Now look at who's my knight in .... skinny jeans and a band Tee," she joked, kissing him lightly.

"Aww... You guys are so sickeningly cute it makes me wanna hurl," Jordyn teased, walking over to the two of them. "Now let's see..." He muttered, untying the boot before very gently and very carefully tugging it off. I saw her wince and Jake hugged her as best he could. He took off the sock and checked out the damage, prodding gently. Jules whined, cringing when he did that. "It's probably just a sprain but we should get an x-ray just in case."

She wrinkled her nose, shaking her head. "Nuh uh, no more hospitals."

"Jules..." Jordyn said in a warning tone, she huffed and proceeded to pout. "That's not going to work this time, we need to get this checked out before something worse could happen, kay?" She grumbled a 'fine' and the three of them went back to the buses while the Berry twins grabbed the merch and table.

After a minute, I followed them, not wanting to seem suspicious. When I got on the bus, everyone was worrying over Juliet. Namely Val, Zack, and Nikki. "What's up?" I asked, strolling over casually like I hadn't just followed them afterstalking watching them from the sidelines.

Jules had her sunglasses off now but keptthe my hat on. Her green eyes locked with mine and I saw the underlying pain there. It really hurt her but she didn't want to show it. She was stubborn like that.... that's an Italian for ya, I suppose. Did I see a hint of suspicion in those eyes? "Dropped a table on my foot, Jordyn said it might be sprained but then it could be broken too so now I'm being forced against my will to go to a hospital.... ew."

"Aww, poor baby."

She blew a raspberry at me before slapping at Jamie when he poked her foot. "No touchy!"

"What are we? Emperor Kuzko now?" Nikki asked sarcastically, referring to that kids' movie 'The Emperor's New Groove'. What? I was bored and watched it... it was actually kind of funny... you know, for a kid movie.

"Yes, and I say no touchy and no hospitals!"

"Not happening, babygirl. We should really get this checked out." Valary shook her head, vetoing her idea.

"I hate hospitals though," Jules resorted to whining now. What was so bad about hospitals that she'd rather die than go? "They smell funny, are filled with death, and the doctor's have cold hands." Oh.

"Too bad, you're going," Nikki told her firmly, laying down the law.



She growled in annoyance, turning me on when she did and looked to Zack who shook his head. "You guys suck...."


"See? Just a sprain like I said. Now was there really a need to go to the hospital?" Juliet asked when we got back to the buses from the hospital. She complained the whole way there until she got a Twix (it seemed she was easily won over with those) and got one on the way back if she was good for the doctors.

Nikki rolled his eyes and smacked her upside the head. "Oh hush."

"Hey! No hitting the crippled now!"
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Filler-esque update =/
Not my best but not my worst, right? xD

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