Sweet Child O' Mine

Captain Klutz

"Gas..... MASK!!!" I gasped, diving out of the van onto the pavement as soon as we were parked. I coughed, tears welling up in my eyes, on my knees gasping for air. "Ugh!! That's going to be permanently imprinted in my nose now, thanks!! God that is disgusting!" I croaked, trying to wave the smell away.

"What's going on?" Nikki asked, concerned, as he made his way over. Did I mention we were on tour with Motley, too? Escape was here as well, laughing their asses off at my scene.

"Jamie FARTED!! After eating a taco!" I whined, rubbing the water from my eyes. "And it was.... EW!! We are NEVER feeding you Taco Bell again!" I declared, jabbing a finger at Jamie who was promptly laughing his ass off as well. "Fucking douche bag."

"Aww. My poor baby," Jimmy cooed, hugging me and stood me up.

"Yeah poor--Aw, shit, you're bleeding!" Tommy exclaimed, pointing at my knees.

"I wha--" Looking down, I saw that I had, in fact, scraped my knees. "Oh."

"Completely oblivious..." Jordyn muttered, picking me up and threw me over his shoulder. I yelped and slapped his back, showing that he surprised me. Jordyn carried me to the Avenged bus, not bothering with knocking and set me down in their kitchen area.

"What's up?" Matt asked, following us.

"Captain Klutz fell and scraped her knees..... already."

"Wow. Not even into the first show and she's hurt." Johnny snickered.

"Shut it, Shorty!" I snapped playfully, glaring at him. Yeah, I could call him that. He was three inches shorter than I was, making me 5'10". He huffed, scrunching up his nose and stuck his tongue out at me. I grinned cheekily back while Zack came over with the med kit.

"What are we going to do with you?" Vince joked, coming onto the bus.

"Wait-- You would wear Hollister clothing and still manage to punk it out, wouldn't you?" Max (Green) inquired, eyebrow raised.

I looked down at my outfit then shrugged and nodded. "I guess so." I smirked. "Hey, when's our show start, anyway?" I asked Luke.

"You would not remember." He laughed, shaking his head. "About..... Three hours, so you gotta get ready."

"I what?"

"Get ready. You know... changed?"


"Because I said so."

"But-- And then--- No! I'm comfy!"


"Oh come on!"

"No. You're changing and that's that," he declared, picking me up and throwing him over his shoulder when Zack finished up.

"Will you guys stop that?!" I yelled when he started walking off the bus. "Oh come on! Put me down!" I whined, pinching his back.



I heard vaguely familiar laughter. I looked up to see Fall Out Boy and a few other FBR bands. "Pete!! Help!!" I gasped, holding my arms out, using my puppy dog eyes. He cooed at me, wiggling his fingers. I huffed. "You know what? Screw you too! See if I stay on the label." I stuck my tongue out when his jaw dropped.

That got him running over. "Luke. Hand 'er over." He said, smirking. Luke grinned back and dropped me. I yelped, wincing when I landed in his arms.

"Can I not walk?!" I complained when he started carrying me over to his band.

"Who's the baby?" Gabriel Saporta asked, smiling cheekily and ruffling my hair. I glared at him. He gasped in mock shock. (Rhyme!) He started poking my nose so I bit his finger. "Ah! Biting baby! Biting baby!!"

"Juliet, let go." Pete ordered, flicking my nose.

I spat Gabe's fingers out, glaring at him. He pat my head and I dropped, wincing when my butt hit the ground. "I'm surrounded by idiots." I decided, shaking my head. Patrick helped me up and I brushed my rear end off. Ignoring Pete and Gabe, I turned to the rest of my label mates. "Nice to meet'cha! I'm Juliet."

William Beckett smiled at me (I couldn't help but swoon inside). "Ah, so you're the little firecracker we hear all about, then? I'm Beckett. William Beckett. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He winked, taking my hand and kissing the back of it. My face flared.


Oh, you know you would too if he did that to you!

Panic introduced themselves, all giving me hugs. Cobra gave me high fives. The rest of TAI shook my hand like normal people and My Chemical Romance had a mix greeting. Ray pet my head (I found that to be a little weird), Bob waved, Mikey gave me a simple hug, Frank grabbed me and swung me around (I laughed my ass off), and Gerard gave me a bear hug, blowing a raspberry on my cheek. "Ew! Gross! Boy germs! Blech!" I joked, wiping off the cheek he slobbered on.

He pouted at me so I hugged him.

"Well, I gotta go 'get ready' as Luke so demanded. I'll catch you guys later." I told them, waving, before skipping off to the van to get the clothes Max no doubt would have lain out for me. Turns out he did, he handed them to me so I skipped back to Avenged's bus. "Borrowing your bathroom," I said before doing so, getting changed. I did a 360, checking myself out in the mirror. Not bad for a guy who wasn't gay.

I skipped back out to the lounge. I have no clue why I've been skipping all day. . . . Well, whatever. "'Ello, Brio!" I chirped, plopping down next to Brian on the couch, making myself comfy. The bus was already moving so I was stuck.

He turned to me, eyebrow raised. "Brio?"

I shrugged. "It was a rhyming moment. It rhymed with 'ello.... sorta. But whatevs. How are you on this fine day?"

Brian gave me a weird look before shaking his head. "Eh. Fine. Been kinda bored...."

"Hey!" Jimmy whined.

"Well I have!"

"Mhm. Mhm. Sounds exciting. Anyone want to get their asses kicked at Guitar Hero?" I asked, grinningmaliciously cheekily.


"It's my pleasure to introduce to you this next band! They hail from Los Angeles, California, are crazy as hell, and have thee awesomest leading girl..... Give it up for.... Summer on Fire!" Pete shouted into the mic, giving us a thumbs up before racing off stage.

I froze. Oh crap. Butterflies, feeling sick, shaking. Stage fright. Could you blame me after seeing all those thousands of people?! "You're gonna do great, Kid. Don't worry about it." Nikki consoled, putting an arm around my shoulders and squeezed gently.

I looked up at him, deer in headlights, practically hyperventilating. He laughed at this. "Breathe, Jules. Breathe."

I nodded, breathing slowly. "Okay. I'm good."

"You sure?" Jordyn asked, looking as if he was getting ready to catch me in case I fell.

I grinned. "Of course. Now let's go rock this crowd!" I cheered, running out on stage, the rest of my band following me. Some cheers were heard in the crowd, but the rest were murmurs, pointing, and questions. "Hellooooo San Fransisco!" I greeted into the mic. The crowd cheered back. "How the fuck are y'all doin' tonight?!" More cheers. "I can't hear you!!" I yelled, the crowd screamed back. I grinned widely. "It's a pleasure to make y'alls aquaintance! We are Summer on Fire! You may know me as Juliet, the man rockin' the mic tonight is Luke, This little cutie patootie on bass is Jamie." I grinned back at him when he laughed. "On rhythym and our sexy ass drummer is Jordyn! Are you ready to get fucking started??" The crowd roared. "I do believe this song is pretty well known, especially for being near-impossible to play, but you know what? I'm gonna do it!! Here's Dragonforce's Through the Fire and Flames...." I grinned, plucking the strings on my guitar to the introduction.

I could see the doubtful expressions, feel the unsure aura coming from the crowd. That all changed about midway through the song when they started getting more into it. It got to the solo so I stepped up on the ego box, mimicking my best Synyster Gates expression, cocky smirk and all. The crowd went. Wild. Even the guys on the sideline who wanted to get a good look at our band had their jaws dropped as I shredded, stepping back when Luke's voice came back.

The song ended, the crowd roared. "These next songs are going to be our originals..... I like to call this one Rebirthing." Luke told them, nodding at me.

I waited for the violins and Jordyn's drum kick-off before launching into playing, coming in on the back-up female vocals.

We launched into our next song, "Whispers in the Dark".

"This song is for all you girls out there that have had fucking enough of the shit you get!! This is "Face Down"." I shouted in the mic, the crowd had long since warmed up to us by now.

"Next up is Two Weeks with Jordyn at the mic!" I grinned, beckoning him forward. He rolled his eyes but got up from the seat and Luke switched spots with him. Yeah, he could play drums too.

"Last but certainly not least," Luke began, smirking at me as I made my way to the piano, handing the guitar over to him. We all switched from time to time. "Ms. Juliet on leading vocals and the baby grand, this is "Call Me When You're Sober."

We finished, the crowd when wild, and I was ecstatic. To say the least. We bowed, said our goodbyes and see you laters, and I ran off stage, straight to Nikki. "That was fucking awesome!" I squealed, hugging tight.

"And that's a fucking understatement! Holy shit, guys, I never knew you had it in you and I've known you for 10 freaking years!" Tommy exclaimed. "The crowd fucking loves you."

"Yeah, we're just lovable like that," Max agreed.

"I wanna do that again!" I gasped, pumped full of energy now, bouncing on my heels.

Brian and Zack came out to congratulate us. "You guys fucking killed it!" Brian yelled, exchanging high fives with the guys while I pounced on Zack.

"So when's your CD coming out? I better be getting the first copy." Zack laughed, grinning at me. "I'm proud of you, baby girl." He whispered, hugging me again and pressed a kiss to my temple. I smiled.

"Yeah. That was awesome. Like, I never expected that to be so awesome it was just...."

"Awesome?" Brian asked, appearing out of freaking no where!

I laughed. "Yeah, that." I nodded, grinning hugely.

"When did you manage to finish Dragonforce's song?"

"Within the first week of learning it."

"No way."

I nodded.

"No. Freaking. Way."

"Yes. Freaking. Way." I stuck my tongue out at him. "Now if you don't mind, I stink and therefore shall shower. Now give me a hug before I do since I'll be reluctantly returning to my van with these idiots."

Brian chuckled but obliged. Did I mention he gave awesome hugs? ... And smelled really good.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tadah xD
I. Love. Those. Songs. :]

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(click to listen/watch) ((Yes, that is the lead singer playing bass xD....song credit obviously goes to Skillet)).
(click to listen/watch) ((song cred: Skilliet))
(click to listen/watch) ((Song cred: Red Jumpsuit Apparatus))
(click to listen/watch) ((Song cred: All That Remains))
(click to listen/watch) ((song cred to Evanescence))