Sweet Child O' Mine

"Oh, gag me. Please."

Oh, gag me. Please. Seriously, I could use some suffocation right now. Brian and I froze, again, staring at each other like deer in headlights again, but not for the same reason as earlier. Stupid bitch just has to come and ruin things, doesn't she? She's not supposed to be here. Brian shot me a sympathetic look before saying, "In the bunks, babe." I grimaced, sliding out of his bunk and over to the living room to get the clothes Max set out for me earlier, I guessed. Michelle sneered at me, I glared back. Our hate for each other wasn't a secret.

I went into the bathroom and got changed, wiping off all the make-up and brushed my hair back into pigtails before putting the cap on my head, the fringe still slightly obscuring my view. As Brian came out, I pushed past him, head down, getting off the bus. I pulled out my phone, sending a text to Jamie. Where r u?


I looked up, the restaraunt was just across the street. Jamie saw me and waved. I smiled meekly back, rubbing my eyes before going over. I told the lady at the registration desk that I was with the big group and walked myself over, taking a seat in between Nikki and Zack, Jamie sat across from me. I folded my arms on the table, resting my chin on my forearm. Jamie tapped my nose, I looked up to see his questioning glance. 'Later'. I mouthed, glancing to my left to see Brian and Michelle leaving the bus. He caught my glance and nodded, giving me a stern look to which I shrugged to.

Just then Zack nudged me, getting me to sit up and a plate of food was set in front of me. I laughed when I saw it was that giant smiley face pancake. "How'd you know?" I asked, taking my fork and cutting out a section of it.

"I'd like to say that I know my kid and decided to order it for you, but Nikki told me." He smiled back, the smile was a little sad.

I decided to give him a hug. "It's not your fault, you know. My mom was apparently just a bitch that didn't tell you about me and just sent me to an adoption agency." I muttered, Zack nodded, hugging me back. It was kind of awkward at first because of the way we were sitting but then it was fine. "That stuffed french toast with the strawberries always works too." I winked, he laughed.

"I'll keep that in mind."


"JULIET!!!" Someone yelled, the next thing I knew I was on the ground straddled with a big smile in my face. That could only mean one thing: Brendon.

"Bren-Bren!!" I gasped, laughing. He grabbed me in a hug and started rolling us around, adding to my laughter. "Who gave you Red Bull?"

"It gives you WIIIIIIINGS!!" He yelled, somehow managing to get us both up and threw me over his bony ass shoulder, running me to his bus.

"Brendon!! Put me down!" I squeaked, he finally did when he tossed me down on the couch. I landed awkwardly, one leg hanging off the couch, half my body on the couch, half off. I struggled to stay on but that only made it worse seeing as how I fell of the couch. "Oomph!"

Someone started laughing and I bounced a bit. Startled, I sat up, turning around sharply. Figures I'd land on William Beckett..... I blushed scarlet, scrambling off, muttering apologies. I just landed on William Beckett!! "Wait. What are you doin' on the floor?"

"Would you believe me if I said I dove under just in time to save you?" He asked, flashing me his infamous crooked smile. I gave him a look that clearly said 'no' .... after the butterflies settled in my stomach. He pouted. "Yeah, I didn't think so. I just felt like sitting here, then next thing I know Brendon threw you on the couch and you fell off so ... yeah." He shrugged as if it were nothing. I had a feeling Brendon did this often, then.

I looked around to see a variety of FBR band people on the bus. "I'm guessing Brendon kidnapped everybody, then?" I asked, amused. Vicky-T nodded. "And that he does this often...." She nodded again, giggling. "Wow." I dragged out the "o". "Well, if you don't mind, I kinda got to go. You know, playing a set and all today." I stood up, brushing myself off of any dirt I might have gathered. I was just about to leave when Brendon stood at the door, arms crossed over his chest, shaking his head. "Brendon...."

"No! I kidnapped you, you have to stay. It's the rules."

"But I have a set to play...."


I turned around. "Pete. Please tell Brendon that I have a set to play and have to go or else the fans will hate me, therefore losing popularity and you'd lose sales on the CD that the boys and I are currently making."

Pete gasped, his eyes widening. "Brendon. Let her leave." He demanded. Brendon shook his head again. "Brendon... I can easily make your contract... disappear if you don't." He threatened, I snickered when Brendon squeaked and rushed to the couch. "Good boy." He patted Brendon's head and signaled for me to leave.

"Bye bye." I waved, skipping off the bus and over to Avenged's where I figured my boys would be. "Hey guys." I greeted, taking a seat on Jordyn's lap. Michelle gave me an annoyed look to which I stuck my tongue out. "So what should we play today?" I asked my boys, shifting on Jordyn's lap to look at them.

"I was thinking we could play Escape, Bite, and Best Thing." Luke suggested with a shrug. I nodded as did the others.

Bad Girlfriend ran through my mind and I laughed then perked up. Ooh! Idea! "I know that look...." Max started. "Someone get her paper and something to write with!"

Johnny did so and I started scribbling down words when they came to mind. Not 5 minutes later I was done, grinning like a madman. I handed them the lyrics, making them all laugh when they read it. "I like to call it 'Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too'." I smirked. Avenged all gave me weird looks. "You'll see tomorrow... maybe. Depends on when we get the music done."

"Or tonight..." Jamie muttered, looking over the lyrics with a thoughtful expression. He was our music guy where I was the lyric girl. The others helped, but those were our main things aside from the instruments.

I chuckled. "Tonight then.... When's our set? 7, right?" I asked, looking at the clock. It was 12:53 already. Luke nodded. "Think you could get it done within 5 hours that way we can learn it quick and play it tonight?" It sounds like it would be stretching it, but you don't know Jamie, he was a musical genius I swear. He nodded absentmindedly, already writing stuff in.


Later that night, we played all our regular music, and now it was time for our new song and cover. "This is our newest original, literally made up today. It's called 'Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too'." I grinned into the mic while the crowd cracked up. I slung my guitar around so it was on my back and got to Luke's spot at the main mic. As a tradition, whoever wrote the song gets to sing it the first time. So I sung it.

The next song, I got my guitar back to the front with a smirk. "'Bad Girlfriend', everybody." I said, started the riff. Can you guess who I kept glancing back to when I sung it? If you guessed Michelle and Brian, you'd be absolutely correct.
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWf8qv7c2IU (Song cred; Say Anything)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ak22bVWw5HM (Song cred; Theory of a Deadman)