My Ex-Boyfriend Became a Vampire Recently... And He Wants Me Back

Chapter 10

~Claire's POV~

When I walked into my room, I noticed a few things that had changed. I noticed how there was a slash running through almost everything I owned. And I also noticed the vampire sitting on my bed waiting for me. Immediately, Marcy pinned me to the wall. I didn't really fight her, like most people would do. That was pointless. She smiled at me. Ah, I had heard about this part. This was the part where she played with you and made you go crazy before she killed you.

"Hey, Claire! How are you?"

"Oh gee, I'm pinned to the wall about to die. Things are going just swell."

"Oh don't be like that! No one likes people when they're being pessimistic." She giggled at the irony of the scene playing out, making me grimace as her musical giggle rubbed my situation right in my face. "Hmm... It's no fun if you don't struggle Claire! You know that." Sure I did. I had read quite a bit about her. Did that mean that I was going to struggle? Nope.

"Let's see here. How to get you to struggle..." Her eyes brightened as she came up with an idea. I shifted my weight a little. This wasn't good. "I know! We need a bit of incentive, don't we?" She disappeared for a second or two. I looked around for where she went before turning around to try running. But before I even took a step she had me pinned to the wall again. But now she had somebody else pinned next to me. Sophie. "That's better! This will be so much more fun with two people. It always is."

"No! You get the hell away from my sister!" Marcy squealed with excitement as I tried to get out of her grip.

"See? That's much better!" She leaned an inch or two closer to Sophie, wondering how I would react. I did the stupidest thing I had ever done. I punched her. I winced and pulled my fist back as it started to throb. Marcy just laughed. "Much, much better!"

A knock came at the front door. Marcy listened for a second or two and sighed. "Your boyfriend is worried about you, Sophie. Too bad that by the time he gets in here you both will by dead." Sophie tried desperately to get out of Marcy's grip and to the front door. "You know you're right! We shouldn't kill you yet." There was definitely more to that sentence. I could tell by the angry and mischievous glint in Marcy's eye. "He should join us, shouldn't he? Everyone you know should join us really, Claire."

"That's not funny."

"It's not a joke. Hmm... when does your mom get home?"

"Like I should tell..." I was cut off as she choked me. She smiled and pulled back, urging me to continue. "She... Oh whatever just kill me! Do it! I'm not letting you bring her down with me." Marcy laughed.

"Kill you? But what if Alex does it again? One meager human girl..." She sneered at me, noting everything about me with pure disdain, "will eventually not be enough to stop him. An entire group caused by a single act would most definitely cause some damage though." My head started spinning. She was going to kill everyone. Maybe even the entire town. She had no morals to stop her, so why wouldn't she?

I didn't even register the flash that came across my eyes it was so quick. Within a second, Sophie and I were sinking to the floor, breathing rapidly as we tried to recover. Sophie took off towards the door to go to Luke. I just sat there and looked at the scene playing out before me.

I had never seen Alex so angry before. He wasn't hurting her, but the glare he was sending her made the way he felt about her all too clear. "You can't hurt me Alex. So you might as well get out of the way."

"I'm willing to hurt you, even kill you if it means protecting Claire." My eyes widened. If he killed her, he would die too. There was no way he would really be willing to do that, was there?

"You're... You're willing to die for her?"

"Yes I am. You can't win this Marcy. I'm not going to let you." Marcy started to run away and Alex started to chase her. They were both gone. And, right when they disappeared, Luke and Sophie came into the room. Sophie looked around the room nervously, but she hadn't told Luke apparently, because he was completely calm.

"Hey guys. What's up Luke?"

"Just came to check in on Sophie."

"I feel a lot better than befo... achoo!" Luke and I both laughed.

"You may feel better Sophie, but you've still got a long way to go before you're ok. Go to bed. Now."

"Why were you up in the first place?"

"No reason!" Sophie spat out way too quick for comfort before running out of the room to go to sleep.