My Ex-Boyfriend Became a Vampire Recently... And He Wants Me Back

Chapter 11

~Claire's POV~

Well, this was awkward. I was alone in a room with my sister's boyfriend while my sister was sneezing away in the room next to us. "So..."


"I'm bored. And you should probably leave. Our parents will get home soon and you'll be stuck here for hours while they interrogate you about your intentions with Sophie."

"Yeah. I think I'll leave. Bye."

"Bye." When he got out of my room, I sighed and went into Sophie's room to check in on her.

"So Alex became a vampire?"

"Yeah. But Marcy marked him. He'll never be mine."

"Was she the chick that just tried to kill us?"

"Yeah. Things aren't going the way she planned them to go either. Hey, why didn't you tell Luke?"

"I don't know. I just didn't like the idea of him knowing a vampire has murder plans going for my sister. That probably would have scared him off."

"Probably." We both took a deep breath and let out a long sigh.

"Alex makes a good vampire. He was looking great." I giggled.

"Even in this state you can think about that stuff?"

"Well, hey. I wouldn't mind having Alex defy the mate mark to chase after me! And I know you don't mind it. You love it, don't you?"

"Yeah. I really do." Although it still bothered me that he was willing to do that to himself for me. We both sat there in silence for a while. Finally, our parents got home. "I'll go let them in." I went over to the door and opened it slowly, trying to make sure I could smile without struggling. They would notice if I faked a smile. I did it a lot and they were on to me. "Hi Mom. Hi Dad."

"Did you get started on dinner at all?"

"No... Should I have?"

"Well, we didn't specifically tell you but we would appreciate it so much."

"Well then I'm on it." I went into the kitchen and started fixing dinner as my mom and dad went into their room.

"Can I help?" I jumped about five feet in the air and the box of what I was going to make fell to the floor. I bent down to pick it up while I replied.

"Aren't you supposed to be plotting Marcy's murder or something?"

"Meh. I'll get to it later. For now, I want to talk to you. What have I missed while I was gone?" He completely took over cooking dinner while we talked. I must say, having a vampire in the palm of my hands was definitely the best thing that had ever happened to me.