My Ex-Boyfriend Became a Vampire Recently... And He Wants Me Back

Chapter 12

~Claire's POV~

After Marcy had attacked me, Alex spent almost every second of my life watching over me. He had suddenly become my protector. I actually liked it. Knowing I was safe, knowing Alex was watching me, everything seemed to fall into place. Of course, one event just had to happen that changed all of that.

Apparently, Alex had finally acted on his murder plans. He had some vampire chick he met kill Marcy. I'm guessing that she probably expected to get the mate mark in return but... no such luck.

But everything changed. Immediately. First off, there was nothing stopping Alex from touching me. Second, I could have Alex. And he could have me. All that needed to happen was for him to make me into a vampire. Problem was, I was terrified of becoming a vampire.

"Come on, Claire. You'll enjoy it a lot! Once you get used to it, it's actually really cool!"

"No! No no no! Get your fangs away from me!" Alex sighed and pulled away.

"I want you to be mine, Claire. I want you so badly."

"I do too. But... I'm afraid..."

"I'll help you through it." He leaned in slowly until he was right in front of me. He was moving slowly, waiting for me to stop him. I didn't. Not until I felt his fangs. Then I immediately stiffened and pulled away.

"I can't. I just can't!" Alex sighed and nodded. He kissed my forehead and disappeared.

I wanted Alex. I wanted him so badly. I could practically feel Alex running through my veins. But I was too terrified to let him bite me. What if he sucked me dry? What if I couldn't handle drinking blood? What if... oh I didn't even know what exactly I was afraid of. But I was afraid. Really afraid.

"Claire come on! We're going over to Luke's house!"

"Ok." I let Sophie drag me into the car and we drove to the car as we talked about random stuff. The entire time, I was so distracted. All I could think about was Alex. I was terrified of him biting me. But I really didn't want to lose him. What was I going to do?
♠ ♠ ♠
Quite a dilemma indeed. Poor Claire.