My Ex-Boyfriend Became a Vampire Recently... And He Wants Me Back

Chapter 13

~Claire's POV~

I felt so confused as I watched the movie with Luke and Sophie cuddled up next to me. I had no clue what I was going to do. Why on Earth did I decide I wanted a vampire. Because vampires are sexy, immortal, strong, shall I go on? No, self. You shouldn't. I knew all that. But I didn't really think about the actual biting part. I mean, of course if I ever got a vampire they would want to turn me into a vampire too. But... the idea of them almost sucking me dry and then having me taste their blood while I was still human... ew. I really didn't like that idea.

The movie we were watching had no plot line, so I didn't really have to concentrate to follow it well. I looked at Sophie and Luke curled up next to each other. No regrets, no worries, no fears, no... fangs... suddenly, falling for a human didn't seem so horrible.

I looked at Sophie with a stab of jealousy. Why was I jealous? Wha- oh. Oh boy. Problem is, my mind absorbs things way too well. "I need to go..."

"But Claire-"

"No. I'm leaving. I'll walk home."

"That'll take you hours."

"It's no problem. I've got to think about things anyways." With that, I rushed out of the house and started walking down the street.

My mind was way too good at listening to its thoughts. Ok, that made no sense, but in the same sense it did. It absorbed everything and wouldn't let it go until a new idea came up. And right there, it had absorbed that falling for a human wouldn't be so bad. And, if you were going to fall for a human, you couldn't possibly do any better than Luke. So now... well, everything had changed. Everything in my mind had flipped and now... now I had fallen for my sister's boyfriend. And MY ex-boyfriend. At the same time.

Our first conversation slammed into my head, only driving the situation further into my brain. "If you ever hurt her, I'm coming after you."

"Don't worry. I don't intend to." I had never predicted, at the time, that Luke wouldn't be the one I had to worry about. I had never predicted that I was the problem. Never in a million years would I have thought.

Stupid. Stupid stupid stupid! What was I going to do? You should have never hung out with him! You knew you were putting yourself in a bad situation. No I didn't! I had Alex! I thought that was all I would ever want... Then what the hell was that "falling for a human doesn't seem so bad" crap? You knew exactly what you were thinking! You knew what you were doing. It was the argument again. I had messed up again. And now, again, my conscience was having a war over whether or not it was all my fault.

I walked past an alley and, next thing I knew, I was pinned to the wall fifty feet into the alley even though I had been nowhere near it. I looked at the guy who was holding me. He seemed the like the leader of the group in front of me. There were four of them total. And, as soon as they smiled, I knew exactly why I had gone so far before I could even blink. Their glistening fangs sent a jolt of fear into my heart. No! There was only one vampire allowed to touch me. Alex! Help! Unfortunately, the idea that vampires can read minds is a myth and Alex hadn't watched over me for a while. Guess he had assumed I was safe with Marcy gone.

"Hello, Darling." His voice was rather playful, and by the look on his face, he had something planned that I wasn't going to like. I squirmed under his penetrating gaze. He squeezed my wrists and I shut my eyes to block the pain. I stopped moving immediately. "That's better. Pets should never try to get away." Pets. That was not good. Alex. Where the hell was Alex?
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A huge plot twist! And don't hate me for this... it does get fixed later, I promise. But it is VERY important later!

Heh. I just realized. The unlucky realization of hers happens in the 13th chapter! :D