My Ex-Boyfriend Became a Vampire Recently... And He Wants Me Back

Chapter 15

~Claire's POV~

After that night, multiple things happened. Enough to make my head spin. First off, Alex was wrong. I wasn't not eating before. I was not eating now. It wasn't that I was in mourning or that I had lost the will to live or anything. It was that I was distracted. I was distracted by the second thing that had changed, I hadn't seen Alex in months. I think he had actually given up on me.

Third... was the creepy one. I was experiencing it right at the very moment. The vampire leaned into my neck, smelling my blood. I shivered at the touch of his fangs. "You smell so nice." He leaned in and, before I could move out of the way, he bit me.

I had actually gotten used to it by now. There had been so many vampires around me lately, it was terrifying me. But I didn't really feel anything this time, after all of the others. I didn't even scream. I just shivered and sank towards the floor. Of course, he didn't let me as he supported my weight. Was he actually going to succeed? I really hoped not. And my hopes were answered. Luke and Sophie started to open the door. As soon as the door clicked, the vampire was gone.


"Hey... guys..." I said, quickly raising my collar slightly to hide the bite mark. "What are you doing here?"

"We're going to the movies."

"Why do I have to go everywhere with you?"

"Because you love me," Sophie giggled slightly as she said it and dragged me out of the room to the car. Not that I minded them dragging me everywhere. It kept me in public places and away from any vampires. So really it was helping me.

Plus, I was with Luke... Stop that thought right there! Don't you think it... Don't you dare. Yeah. That could actually be counted as a negative, I guess. Every moment around him made my forbidden attraction run deeper in my veins. The battle I was having with myself to not like Luke was definitely not going well.

The movie was interesting... although the blood made a few heads turn towards me, revealing that I hadn't in fact avoided all of the vampires. Although Sophie and Luke were rather confused when I rushed into the car. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all. Can you just take Sophie and me home, please?"

"Only if you relax." Don't know if that was possible.

"Definitely. I'm calm." The car started going down the road, making me sigh with relief as the red, hungry eyes turned around and walked away.

We got to the house and both Sophie and I collapsed onto my bed to talk for a bit. Suddenly, we heard a crash. We bolted into sitting positions, looking at each other. Two vampires came into the room. Both of which had bright red eyes to show just how badly they wanted blood. "I call light purple," one said, dragging Sophie over to a corner and pinning her to the wall.

"I call dark purple," the other one said. I shivered at the way he said dark. I had an idea he really enjoyed things that were dark. He pinned me to the wall, but I had been through this before. It had really become a familiar routine. I looked over to look at Sophie, who hadn't gone through this. There were tears running down her cheeks.

"Let her go..." I whispered. The vampire holding me laughed.

"Why would I do that? My friend deserves a slave just as much as I do..." he leaned in towards my neck as I tried to get away from him, even though I was pretty sure that was useless.

"Just let her go!" I screamed. The vampire slammed his palm against the wall so loudly it hurt my ears. I flinched and Sophie choked out another sob. Great. I didn't think anything was going to save me this time. This was really it, wasn't it? For both of us. Sophie didn't deserve this.

But it wasn't. A flash went across the room and the vampires crashed into the wall. Sophie crawled over to me and hugged me crying into my shoulder. "What just happened?" I didn't answer. I couldn't. The only thing I could register, at all, was the vampire standing in front of me. Alex. I took one look at him and fainted.
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Yes there is a specific reason why every vampire in the world is after her. There's a reason for everything. All of my stories have reasons behind everything that will be revealed at some point. You'll see.