My Ex-Boyfriend Became a Vampire Recently... And He Wants Me Back

Chapter 18

~Claire's POV~

The vampire's fangs grazed over my neck, making me shiver. "Your little boyfriend should be over any minute." His eyes sparkled with mischief as he said that, just as they had in our first encounter. Again, this wasn't going to be something I liked. "This should be fun."

"What are you talking about?" He squeezed my throat a bit, leaving me gasping for air.

"First of all, I didn't give you permission to speak. Second, I like playing with people. So does my brother over here." Apparently they were brothers. That was beyond creepy.

The other vampire smirked at Sophie who, being unexperienced in these situations, was shivering like a wet cat. I felt terrible for her. "You know, I'm glad we could finally get rid of those other vampires. They were pathetic, really. Unorganized, dim-witted pons for us to move around. Dead weight."

"Couldn't agree more. All they wanted was a toy. But they didn't see that they had millions of them in front of their very eyes." The vampires looked at Sophie and me at that point and laughed. "Yes. Humans make fun toys."

I decided to go for the shock factor. I waited for him to get comfortable and relax a bit before kicking him. He was shocked enough to let go, thankfully, and I grabbed Sophie and started running away. Of course I forgot: I was running away from two things that were hundreds of times faster than my eye could even register. It was pointless to try.

The vampires laughed as they pulled us back over to our corners. Each of us were cornered in a different one, I suppose to make sure we were separate and therefore easier to torture. Something like that. These vampires had twisted minds.

The vampire holding me gave me a stern look. "Now that wasn't a very good thing to do." He leaned into my neck, making me freeze as I felt his fangs. "I just might have to punish you..." he trailed off, placing a kiss on the spot where numerous vampires had already bitten me. I closed my eyes and let out a soft whimper. I had a feeling I knew what the punishment would be.

He laughed at my fearful face and looked me in the eye. I shut my eyes as he put my hair behind my ears. His touch was freezing cold. Like being touched by an icicle. Way different from Alex's.

"Let them go and I might let you live." My eyes shot open. The vampire smirked at me.

"Finally the games begin." He got up and looked at his brother, who was sharing the same smirk.

I tried to get up to warn Alex about how messed up their minds are, but apparently they had expected that. I didn't even notice, but they had chained me to the wall. I looked over and Sophie was in the same state. She was crying too. I looked from Sophie, to my feet, to Alex. He had better be a good fighter. And smart enough to outsmart two gamers. If they managed to hurt him, I don't know what I would do.

"Let's have some fun," the vampires said, smiling tauntingly at Alex. Alex had already gotten his muscles a bit weaker than normal fighting the other two vampires I couldn't watch this. I covered my eyes.

For an entire minute, all I could hear was crashing, taunts being thrown around, and Sophie trying to gain control of her sobbing. After that minute, my heart stopped beating for a second or two as I heard Sophie scream. "Claire!"

I opened my eyes to see that the vampire had his fangs grazing over my neck. The other vampire smirked. "You know, if you don't want your girl to be ours forever, I suggest you walk out." The gaming spirit in his voice sickened me. This wasn't about whether or not they got me (or at least not mainly, anymore), it was about games. It was about messing with Alex's mind to the point of breaking him down.

I clenched my eyes shut and kicked the vampire as hard as I could. He fell back a bit because he had been in a bad position for balance, but after that he recovered before I could blink twice. He smacked me and I slammed against the wall. I closed my eyes at the pain. I heard that gaming, taunting voice again. "Oo, looks like we've got a bit of blood on the playing field. We might not be the ones who end up biting her in the end. Don't you think, Bro?"

"I agree. The boy doesn't look so good." The voices kept going, continuing the taunting exchange, but I didn't hear them as they faded away in the back of my mind and I fell unconscious... again.