My Ex-Boyfriend Became a Vampire Recently... And He Wants Me Back

Chapter 21

~Claire's POV~

I had had the longest lasting dream of my life. And finally, I was able to struggle to open my eyes. I opened my mouth to speak, but one of the doctors beat me to it. "No, no. Don't speak right now. You're weak. You need to rest."

"Alex..." I managed to choke out before the doctor could stop me.

And, as I had predicted would happen, Alex walked in. The doctors seemed shocked. Apparently he hadn't been in here when they were around. But he was here now and that was all that mattered.

He looked down at me. He sighed. "I'm so sorry about this." The doctors looked at each other and left to give us some privacy. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I knew what I was doing." He sighed.

"Things would be so much better for you if I wasn't in it."

"I don't care. I don't care if my life goes to hell if you're there." He sighed and kissed my forehead.

"If I stay you'll get hurt again."

"I don't care."

"What about everyone else you know? You're putting them in danger too."

"I... I know. But I trust you to protect us."

"What if I let one of them die? Would you give up on me then?"

"You don't have it in you."

"I do for some people. Maybe Luke." I flinched.

"No. You wouldn't."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Alex stop it. You're not going to convince me so stop it. I don't care, ok? You'll protect me. I know you will."

He sighed and looked down. "You would have a better life if I wasn't in it."

"NO. Stop it now." Alex sighed.

"You shouldn't forgive me." I don't care. "You should care seeing as it's your life." What the... "You really don't know this about vampires?" But that was a myth. "No. It wasn't." Hey! That's an invasion of privacy! Alex smiled. "Are you angry at me now?" No. "Why?" Well, it actually makes communication rather easier. "But-" Oh stop it Alex! "You really aren't going to give up on this, are you?" Never. Alex sighed and kissed my forehead. "Then I'll be here for you." I smiled. Finally.

I was gaining back my strength pretty quickly. I started to sit up, but I felt dizzy. "Get some sleep. I'll bring you back home when the time comes, ok?"

"What about my parents?"

"They don't know. They think you're visiting at my house."

"Where do you live, anyways?"

"I'm still living at Marcy's house for now. Now go to sleep. You need rest."

"But I don't want to."

"Go to sleep."

"Bite me." Reckless impulses don't work very well sometimes... "Ok, or not..."

Alex laughed and kissed my forehead quickly. "Get some rest." Within a blink of an eye, he was gone. I sighed and sank onto the bed. Alex really thought he could convince me to not want him. But that was impossible. He was my vampire. And I would want him for as long as I lived.
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I loved the little mind reading conversation. It's so funny.

When I was originally writing this story, this chapter actually came out of a mistake. I realized that Claire had said vampires didn't read minds, whereas Alex later talks about how funny it was to listen in to her thoughts. But this chapter worked out very well, so I decided to keep it in the long run. It really conveys how stubborn they both are in a funny manner. I like it.