My Ex-Boyfriend Became a Vampire Recently... And He Wants Me Back

Chapter 23

~Claire's POV~

I know what you expect. But no. Alex didn't end up biting me. A crash came from Sophie's room, followed by Sophie's shrill scream. "Luke and Sophie! Alex go save them!" Alex flinched slightly at the fact that I said Luke's name before Sophie, but left to save them anyways.

I sighed and sank onto my bed. More screaming. More fear. But that didn't last too long. After about ten seconds, I didn't even notice Sophie's screaming. Because I was trying to do some screaming of my own. But the vampire had my mouth covered. Pretty clever.

"My brother always did like a challenge. But hey, it makes my job easier." It was the vampires from before. The creepy ones from the punk group. The gamers. Alex never did end up killing them. He probably should have.

He smiled. "I'm done playing games for now. Challenges wear out after a while." He pinned me to the bed and bit me. The immobilizing venom went into effect immediately. I couldn't even scream. I was getting really weak from the loss of blood. But I struggled to stay awake as hard as I could. I had to stay awake. I don't know exactly why I was fighting to stay awake, but it was really important to me somehow.

He pulled his fangs out of my neck and smiled. "I win." He bit his wrist and placed it over my mouth. I kept my mouth closed stubbornly. I would rather die than belong to you. He smiled again. "Don't make me make you open your mouth. You won't like it." I still didn't open my mouth. He grinned as he placed his hand inside my shirt. I gasped and the thick substance seeped into my mouth.

I should have lost consciousness as soon as the blood hit my tongue. That was what usually happened. But no. I was still conscious and I could taste it. I could taste the thick coppery metallic substance and it was making me dizzy. I tried feebly to push his wrist away, but seeing as I was barely conscious that wasn't happening. "Well, well, well! You're even more special than I thought."

Something clicked suddenly and, instead of pushing his wrist away, I was clinging it to my mouth. I was sucking as much of his blood as possible into my mouth. I wanted it. More than anything. Suddenly, a giant pain pierced the back of my brain and I finally sank into unconsciousness as I had wanted to from the beginning.

The last thing that crossed my mind was how badly I wanted Alex to be the one who turned me...

~Alex's POV~

They were back. Those gamers. Freaks. He had drained Luke almost completely. There was only about a drop left. And he was leaning in to bite Sophie. I ran over to Luke and bit my wrist, forcing it into his mouth. Hopefully it wasn't too late. No matter how much pain it caused me, Claire cared for Luke. And I couldn't let Claire get hurt.

Luke went through a slight convulsion, although he was already unconscious so that was all that happened. I took my wrist out of his mouth and it automatically healed as I turned to Sophie and the vampire. He was already biting her. I ran over and punched him in the stomach. He hardly felt it, but it was enough to pull his teeth out of her neck. Sophie collapsed to the floor as I finally killed the vampire like I should have torn apart long ago.

I bit my wrist and held it over Sophie's mouth. She obediently opened her mouth and immediately lost consciousness. I took it out and sank against the wall briefly. I wanted Alex to change me... My head snapped up. What? I ran over to Claire's room to see the other vampire I should have killed long ago holding Claire's limp form in his arms.

He was getting ready to mark her. No! He couldn't have her. I threw him out of the window and he slammed into the glass. He died from all of the glass. I leaned over Claire. "Claire..." I brushed her hair out of her face to look at her face. It was already starting to grow paler as the changes started. It wasn't supposed to be like this. She wasn't supposed to be filled with fear. I wanted to be the one who did it. I had wanted more than anything to be the vampire who changed Claire. But that's not how things ended up...