My Ex-Boyfriend Became a Vampire Recently... And He Wants Me Back

Chapter 24

~Claire's POV~

It was forever and a day later when I regained consciousness. I opened my eyes but immediately closed them. It was too painful. Steps started to approach the door, sending a fury of pain running through my head with every step. I covered my ears and tensed my eyes shut until I felt a pair of arms pick me up. "It'll be ok." It was Alex. He had been through this before, so he knew to whisper. Which was good because it would have been very unfortunate for me to have to kill him.

After about a minute I started to calm down and the pain started to subside as my eyes and ears adjusted. My feet felt like they had never been used before which, seeing as they had only been stretched to human limits, they practically hadn't. My mind suddenly picked up on thoughts being thought by humans from fifty meters or more away from me. Everything had changed.

"Did you mark me yet?"

"No. I thought you'd like to be awake for that. It felt less like I was trapping you and more like this was your choice."

"Yeah. Sounds fine." I sighed. This was going to hurt.

Alex let in and out a deep breath before leaning in towards my neck (on the same side where all the vampires bit me- it healed when I became a vampire). He paused. "Do you want to mark me or do you want me to mark you?"

"I want you to mark me. I could never do that." He nodded and bit me. It was a different bite from before. Completely different. When a vampire bit a human, immobilizing venom went into effect. When a vampire bit another vampire, the marking venom went into effect. The marking venom created the mate mark, as well as an incredibly high feeling (if the vampire was awake).

Of course, that high feeling immediately sank as soon as Alex removed his fangs. As soon as he removed his fangs, pain stabbed through my neck. For both of us, actually. Somehow, the mark appeared on both vampires. No one really knew how, but that was how mate marks worked. It bound both of them to each other. That's why you needed both vampires' consent if it was going to be removed.

I examined the mark that had appeared on Alex's neck. It showed a blue crescent moon with my initials- the crescent moon simply meant that I was a new vampire and didn't have a family crest. There was one on my neck too, only it had Alex's initials on it.

"You're mine."

"And you're mine."

"I always was," Alex said, smiling as he leaned down to wrap his hands around my neck and kiss me. I smiled and pulled him closer. Alex was officially mine.
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This is not the end. I will tell you when it is the end.