My Ex-Boyfriend Became a Vampire Recently... And He Wants Me Back

Chapter 25

~Claire's POV~

"What about Sophie and Luke? Are they ok?"

"They're fine." I sighed with relief. I was overjoyed to hear that. I felt a tingle in the back of my throat. I was thirsty. I winced. Alex smiled sadly, knowing exactly what was going on. "It was bound to happen sooner or later, wasn't it? Well, come on."

"You know I don't think I ever really thought this vampire thing through."

"You didn't. Now let's go."

"I can't do it, Alex."

"You'll die."

"But... I can't Alex! I can't even think of it! It's so horrible."

"If I had to learn to do it, so do you." I looked at Alex, slightly horrified by the thought of it.

"That puts a whole new perspective on you, Alex." Alex sighed.

"You're stalling."


"So come on. Let's go." I sighed and followed Alex over to the broken window. I gulped.

"That's a long way down." Alex didn't even flinch as he jumped out of the window and landed gracefully on his feet. I sat down on the windowsill, trying to convince myself it wasn't as high as it actually was.

"If it'll help I'll be here to catch you." I nodded. I closed my eyes and pushed off of the windowsill, landing with a little thud in Alex's arms. "You ready for this?"

"For what?" Alex put me down and smiled at me.

"There are some advantages to being a vampire." With that, he took off. To my eyes, it looked like he was just running a normal speed, but I knew he was probably going over a thousand miles per hour. I smiled and laughed before taking off to follow him. My legs were getting stronger and begging for more with each step. I caught up to Alex and looked at him. Alex smiled before stopping. I looked at the scenery and we were in the middle of downtown. "Now let's satisfy that thirst of yours. I'm not having you die on me." Oh God. Suddenly, being a vampire didn't seem like such a good idea.
♠ ♠ ♠
She really didn't think the vampire thing through very thoroughly. Silly girl. Too late to turn back now!