My Ex-Boyfriend Became a Vampire Recently... And He Wants Me Back

Chapter 29

~Claire's POV~

The unfortunate little thing about being a vampire is that sleeping is realy difficult. Near impossible unless you're absolutely exhausted. When you're going through a horrible situation, you can't just sleep and escape everything. There's no escape. None at all. You can't just sleep and have a while where it isn't happening. No. It's always happening. And you have to deal with it.

Damien came into the room, smiling rather triumphantly. He knew he had won. He knew I couldn't escape. He knew, and I knew, that Alex wouldn't be able to beat the vampire king. The one that has more powers than a vampire naturally does. It was impossible. No matter how much Alex tried to give me that little, encouraging smile, Damien won. I didn't even know why. I didn't even know why he wanted me. Why he didn't kill me.

Why? Damien just chuckled. "Because you're special." Another of the vampire king's abilities. Vampires can't read other vampires' minds. But HE could. Bastard. "You know just about everything there is to know. How do vampires of the male gender pick their mates?"

"I don't know. Books can only get you so far."

"Well, I'll tell you. They choose it by smell. No one really understands why, but certain people smell better to vampires than others. That's the reason that you had all those vampires chasing after you." He started circling around me as everything clicked. What about Sophie? "They wanted her too. She just went in public more. She was always surrounded by people to protect her. You weren't." I sat down and stared at the floor. It all made sense.

There was no way I would ever end up living my entire life as a human, was there? "No. No matter what happened, somehow somebody would make you a vampire. In reality, you're kind of lucky I took you. Alex really would end up getting killed if I didn't." He kidnapped me and he was saying I was lucky? What the hell? Whatever. I shook my head to clear it of my thoughts.

And then a thought struck me. What about Alex? Why did Marcy want Alex? "You don't know how females pick either?" I shook my head. "They pick by recognition. Their method is a bit more sentimental than ours. They pick somebody based on similarities between people they knew when they were human." But Marcy was never human. "No. She wasn't. So she chose based on when she was young. Before she stopped aging."

So who does Alex look like? "Someone she loved. It's actually quite amazing, the resemblance. She was really young. She was quite attached to him, but he ended up betraying the vampires. He was a human, and he ran into some vampire hunters. Ended up joining them. He was killed when he attacked Marcy." It was sad, really. Almost enough to make me feel sorry for Marcy, even after she tortured Alex and attacked me. She was in love, and he betrayed her. And then with Alex. She was in love. And he loved me. It was heart breaking. Even people who seemed evil had a past that would make you cry.

He looked at me curiously. "Who do I look like?" I looked away. I didn't even want to know. He put his finger to my chin and turned it to face him. I closed my eyes. He laughed. "Come on. Open your eyes." I shook my head. I felt a little prick on my arm and opened my eyes to look at it. Unfortunately, in doing so, I had to look at Damien. What I saw was horrifying.

"Luke." He looked exactly like Luke. The only difference was the hair, which was basically the same style, but different colors.

He looked even more curious now. "And how do you feel about Luke?" He leaned in slightly, and instincts took over. I practically tackled him to the floor with a kiss. After a few seconds, I pulled back, backing away to the other side of the room. I was hyperventialting a little bit as I tried to fight off that forbidden attraction that had been hiding a bit lately, until now. Damien smirked. "Interesting. You're not nearly as innocent as you look, are you?" Fuck!
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Here we are. All of the "Why?"s you have all been asking are answered. this chapter is the single most important chapter of them all!