My Ex-Boyfriend Became a Vampire Recently... And He Wants Me Back

Chapter 33

~Claire's POV~

I couldn't believe this. I couldn't watch. All of the guards surrounded the walls now, leaving Sophie, Luke, and Alex available to attack Damien. Not that they would get very far. That was the problem. Alex leapt to tackle Damien, but not before Damien was clear on the other side of the room, throwing Luke against the wall hard enough that we all heard a 'crack.' "Luke..." I whispered, making sure nobody could hear just how worried about him I was. That wouldn't look too good. Sophie should have been the one worrying about him.

Luke, Alex, and Damien from there on were in a huge fight. I had to really work if I wanted to watch it. Not that I did. But the point is that they were everywhere. I looked anywhere to avoid it. And then I realized. Sophie was here. I didn't think, I couldn't think about these things. Not with a mind reader around. I just ran over to Sophie, grabbed her, and ran until we were at the opposite side of the room, with the door. I practically pushed her out of it in a rush to get her out of there. "Run." She looked confused. "Just trust me and run!" I hissed. She looked surprised briefly at the fact that I just hissed at her before nodding and taking off.

I leaned casually against the doorway, blocking it from Damien. After a minute or so, Damien seemed to realize that Sophie was absent. Within a second, a bunch of guards grabbed Luke and Alex and he was in front of me. "Where is she Darling?" I flinched at the word 'Darling.' I was most definitely not his 'darling.' I just shrugged.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He grabbed my wrist and started applying pressure to it. It got to the point where I was collapsing to the floor. I looked at him. Shouldn't this be hurting you too?

He smirked. "I told you. I have a higher tolerance for pain than you do." He pulled on my wrist and pinned me to the bed, putting a hand on either side of my face to prevent me from getting away, as a few guards dragged Sophie, screaming and kicking, back into the room. When I saw them he smirked and leaned in to whisper into my ear again. I gritted my teeth to stop myself from punching him. I knew that would only really hurt me. "I told you not to interfere, Darling. I was going to make them die quickly at least. But now I'll torture them. Right in front of you. And you'll know it's your fault." I started crying.

"No please don't!" He smiled.

"Well then promise you won't interfere again," he whispered into my ear. I nodded.

"I won't I promise. Just don't."

"Alright. Now then. Claire, tell the audience the other thing about me that you didn't get to tell them." I glared at him. I hate you so much you bastard. He just smirked. "Go ahead." I gritted my teeth as I replied.

"The vampire king can have a mate mark with more than one person." Luke, Alex, and Sophie gasped. Sophie struggled like crazy to get away, understanding now why I was trying so desperately to get her out of there. Damien just smirked as the guard holding Sophie dropped her down on the bed next to us.Sophie backed up as Damien got closer to her until she was standing on the bed against the wall, with Damien trapping her. "Sophie..." I whispered, wishing I could stop this. But I knew that if I tried, Damien would make sure that Luke and Alex died the most painful, excruciating deaths possible. So I gritted my teeth and watched instead.

He started whispering in her ear. I was just barely close enough to hear. He was telling her about how female vampires and male vampires pick their mates. Just like he did to me. After he gave her all the information, he pulled back and looked at her. "And who do I look like, Sophie?"

"Luke..." she whispered, shaking her head because she knew what was coming. He smiled.

"And what does that make you want to do when I do this?" With that he leaned in and planted his horrid lips on my sister. She blinked a few times, trying to fight it off, but she couldn't fight her instincts. Her eyes slowly closed and even from afar I could tell he was smirking into the kiss. He pulled her away from the wall and dipped her, trailing kisses down to her neck as he slowly lowered her to the bed. I couldn't watch this.

I caught a brief glance of Luke's face as I turned away. He looked ready to kill he was so angry. He was angry, he was hurt, he was confused, so many emotions were running through him. Poor Luke. I heard Sophie gasp of pain and knew he was removing the mark. Afterwards, I heard her gasp again, but this time it was of pleasure. He was biting her. Marking her. Winning. He was winning.

I grimaced as I heard Sophie moan quietly. She was trying to hide it, but it didn't work. I looked again at Luke. He was getting angrier and angrier. The hurt, confusion and all that was staying the same, but the fury quickly rose and rose. I shook my head and walked out of the room. I knew Damien would let me, as long as I didn't try to run away. I had to stay close, unfortunately. But he would let me at least try to clear my head.

I sank to the floor crying. Sophie. My sister. He couldn't have her. He could have me, although that was really quite undesirable. At least I deserved it. I was an evil slut and I admitted it. But Sophie was so sweet so innocent. Her soul matched the light shade of her purple hair. Mine matched the dark shade of mine. And yet here we were, and Damien now had us both.

Damien walked out briefly. "It's time we let the audience know how you feel about Luke," he said quietly, dragging me into the room. He pinned me to the wall the same way he did Sophie. "Now it's your turn," he said loud enough for everybody to hear. "Who do I look like?"

"Luke." You didn't really have to focus to hear how broken my voice was this time. They would know. Sophie would know. Luke would know. And they would hate me.

He smirked. "And what does that make you want to do when I do this?" He planted his lips on mine. I closed my eyes and shook my head to try to imagine that he looked differently, but every time I tried I just came up with an image of Damien. Of Luke. My body started acting of its own accord as I wrapped my eyes around his neck and closed my eyes again. He smirked into the kiss yet again as he pushed me further into the wall.

He bit my lip, making me gasp, and his vile toungue slid across mine. It was vile because it was his, but at the same time it was heaven because it was his. He was good. After a while he finally pulled away, grinning, and I slid down the wall sobbing. My life was over.

I gathered up the courage to look at Alex first. He was so hurt, and so angry. It almost brought a pain to MY chest to look at him. My Alex. He was in so much pain. And now that he had tortured us all, it was time for him to die. Then I looked at Luke. He was really confused and hurt. I looked down and bit my lip. That shouldn't bring me pain like Alex did. But it did anyways. And finally, I took a look at Sophie.

Sophie was hurt and angry. Alex was angry at Damien. He already knew that I had fallen for Luke, it didn't come as a hurtful blow to him. What did come as a hurtful blow to him was that I just kissed Damien. Willingly. But Sophie didn't know. She was angry at me, no doubt about it. She raised her fist and started swinging it to punch me. I caught her fist, and she started pushing against my hand trying to get to my face. Just let her do it. You deserve it anyways. So I did. I let her hand go before she could pull back at all. I wanted the full force. I wanted the pain. The punishment. The justice.

Sophie was shocked and slightly angry at me. "How could you let me do that you idiot! I didn't mean it..."

"But I did. I deserved it," I whispered quiet enough that nobody could hear except us. She shook her head angrily at me. Damien walked up and put the palm of his hand to my cheek and the pain instantly go away. No stop it! I want the pain! I want it! Don't make it go away... Damien looked slightly shocked, but he didn't pull away until all of the pain was gone. I glared at him.

I took another look at Alex. He looked really sad. I think he understood what I was thinking. He understood everything about me. He looked almost like that punch brought him physical pain like it did me. It may have brought me physical pain, but it brought me so much relief. I had finally gotten some punishment.

I tried to fight off the smile urging its way onto my lips at that thought. It would look really weird to smile after that. Damien just gave me a weird look and shook his head. Alex shook his head too, but it was more of a sad one. A comforting one. One that said you didn't have to do that. That it was alright and I needed to let it go. That's why I loved Alex. He always knew what I needed.

The guards let Alex go, no Luke this time. I supposed they were going to die one at a time. Alex gave me one more comforting, loving look of devotion before turning on Damien. I started sobbing into Sophie's shoulder. Please let Alex prove me wrong when I said he wouldn't be able to do it. Please let Damien die.
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This was definitely the longest chapther out of the story. I remember it took me HOURS to write. But it's a really important one, and I couldn't just split it up that would be weird. It had to go together. It is definitely my favorite chapter, even though it's the most depressing.