My Ex-Boyfriend Became a Vampire Recently... And He Wants Me Back

Chapter 34

~Claire's POV~

I screamed as Damien pushed Alex and Alex flew all the way to the other side of the room. One of the guards grabbed Sophie and me and dragged us out of the room. I fought them every step of the way, but they wouldn't let us go. Finally, they put us down in some room and I tried to get past them to the door, but they left locking the door behind them. "Damien made it clear he doesn't want ladies watching this fight. You're much too delicate." I heard them chuckle at that. They stopped laughing when I crashed my fist into the door, almost cracking it in half. I heard their footsteps scurrying away.

"Damn him." Sophie nodded in agreement. Neither of us would have any clue as to who died until somebody came for us. Please let that somebody be Alex and Luke.

~Alex's POV~

Damien smirked as he walked over. My head was spinning from the impact. He was even stronger than I thought. He went to punch me, but I was somehow able to react even though I felt like I couldn't move. I punched him and he fell to the ground. We fought like that for a long time. He'd get a huge blow in and then I'd get a small one. It wasn't looking good.

One particular blow made the world spin. I knew I wasn't spinning, but it felt and looked like I was. I started falling to the ground as Damien landed another blow and I collapsed to the floor. So this was it, was it? The end of my life.

But then some surge of adrenaline came through me as I thought of Claire. I couldn't let her be trapped by Damien. I HAD to free her. That surge of adrenaline made everything crystallize. The world wasn't spinning anymore. I felt faster and stronger. I knew I could do this.

So I started fighting back again. And this time my blows were just as big as the few he managed to land on me with my increased speed. Eventually, Luke pulled me off of him. He was dead. We both ended up spitting on the body in contempt. We shared a quick look before running down the hall to find Claire and Sophie. "How can you look at her?"

"What do you mean?"

"How can you look at Claire when you know she... you know. I can't look at her straight anymore."

"Well then you're an idiot. It isn't completely her fault. And I know that she feels guilty about it and tries to avoid it. It's enough to know that I can be in the same room as her, let alone by her side. Being by her side was more than I hoped for in the first place. So no matter what, I'm sticking by her."

"You always were the pathetic romantic geek, weren't you?"

"And you were always the popular boy who pretends he's not a nice guy to get attention, weren't you?"

"Touche." Finally, we reached the door they must have been in. We could Claire pounding on the door angrily while Sophie tried to calm her down.

"What if Alex gets hurt? What if he- dies?" We both worked together in breaking the door down.

"That's not going to happen." I wrapped my arms around her and whispered in her ear, "promise." Claire smiled and turned around to return the hug, since I had been hugging her from behind.

Claire and Sophie both winced and fell to the floor suddenly, as the marks on their necks disappeared. Damien was officially dead. Claire hugged me tight and breathed in my scent, making me smile at the thought. "I love you, Claire."

"I love you too."
♠ ♠ ♠
NOT the ending. Don't go away. I'm pretty much OCD. If it isn't a multiple of ten, you know it is definitely not the last chapter.