My Ex-Boyfriend Became a Vampire Recently... And He Wants Me Back

Chapter 35

~Claire's POV~

The pain from the mark being removed was completely worth the overwhelming joy that encompassed my entire being afterwords. Sophie and I shared a hug, both of us tearing a bit at the thought of being free from that monster.

And then everything crashed down. A bunch of guards started filing in. They grabbed Alex and hit him on the head really hard, knocking him unconscious. I screamed and glared at them. "What do you think you're doing?"

"He killed the king. He must be punished."

"But there's no king to punish him! According to campie law, you have to let him go."

"Negative. The new king will be voted on and he will decide what to do with him." With that, they started dragging Alex out of the room. I was frantic. I walked up to the nearest guard and grabbed him by the uniform, his face only inches from mine.

"I'm going with. Wherever he goes I go."

"Negative. We cannot punish you for what you are innocent of. You three may leave."

"No. I'm staying and you're taking me with." He shook his head. I sighed and punched him. "Yes you are." The guard sighed and nodded before grabbing my arm roughly and pulling me out the door. I blew a kiss to Sophie before the door slammed shut. I could hear her sobbing even through the thick door.

I pulled my arm out of the guard's hand and walked on my own, every once in a while stealing a glance at Alex. He saved me and now we were both probably going to die. We arrived at the dungeons. The guards opened a cell and threw Alex in it. I winced at the sound of the impact when he slammed into the wall and rushed in after him, checking to make sure he didn't get hurt at all. I sighed and leaned my head against his stomach when I had finished checking on him and stared at the ceiling before drifting off to sleep. I was absolutely exhausted.

My last thought was less than comforting. We're both dead. But while I was dreming I relized something.To me it didn't matter if I died. I would die for Alex. I had only realized it just now. I would die for him. I would kill for him. There was nobody else I would do that for. I was free from my guilt. Free from my pain. I was free from Luke. I belonged completely and only to Alex. And I was going to die with him. I couldn't think of a better way to die than with the one you love. That made it slightly better, right? Somehow. Somehow that made everything seem better.
♠ ♠ ♠
She's finally free from Luke! See? I told you I would fix it! You thought I wouldn't?

-.- You have no faith.