My Ex-Boyfriend Became a Vampire Recently... And He Wants Me Back

Chapter 36

~Alex's POV~

I woke up and shook my head to clear it of the pain. I was in a really dark dungeon cell. I had known there would be consequences for killing Damien. But I had done it and I didn't regret it.

I moved to get up when I found I couldn't. I looked down at my stomach and gaped in horror at the figure lying on it. Claire. She should have run. Should have gone home. Why did she stay? Why did she choose to stay with me? It made no sense. I knew it had to have been her choice. They wouldn't punish her for something I did.

She woke up after a while and smiled when she saw me awake. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at her pointedly. She fidgeted a bit, but didn't falter. "What were you thinking?!"

"What did you expect me to do, Alex? Just let you die and live my life remembering you? No. I'm not doing that to you and I'm not doing that to myself. I'm staying right here and we'll just wait and see."

"Claire, you can't do this. I killed Damien for you, Claire. I killed him so you could be FREE! Not so you could rot in jail untl you died with me. The guards will probably let you go if you tell them you've changed your mind. So please, Claire. Please." She stubbornly shook her head.

"No. I love you. You're THE love of my life. And I'm not letting you die without me."

"I'm not THE love of your life," I reminded her. "What about Luke?" I couldn't help the twinge of jealousy that leaked through, but I was completely surprised when her voice didn't falter and she didn't flinch.

"Yes you are THE love of my life. The only love of my life. I don't care about anybody else other than you."

"You don't have to lie to me." Again, it made no sense to me why she replied with such conviction.

"i'm not lying. Not one bit." I paused. Her voice wasn't wavering. She wasn't flinching, or shaking, she was just stating it. Like a fact. Huh? "I love you, Alex. I don't love Luke. Not anymore. Not at all." Again, her voice didn't waver. She was telling the truth. I hugged her and we both fell to the ground as I started showering her with kisses, Claire giggling like a maniac. She was mine. She really was mine. Completely and only mine.

"I love you, Claire."

"I love you, Alex."

"If you love me then you'll leave."

"Well then I take it back. Because no matter what, I'm staying here. Your fate is mine. And it always will be." I sighed and kissed her cheek. We both lied on the ground next to each other for a while. "I wonder what it will be like to die."

"That's not exactly something I want to think about."

"Well I don't think it'll matter. Somehow, when we die, we'll find a way to stay together." I took her hand in mine and kissed it softly.

"I know we will."
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This is the sweetest chapter ever. I love it.