My Ex-Boyfriend Became a Vampire Recently... And He Wants Me Back

Chapter 39

~Claire's POV~

It was unbelievable. But the new vampire king was actually the vampire Jen was staying with. I jumped up grinning and hugged him out of sheer joy. "I can't believe it's you! I thought for sure I was dead."

"Who said you aren't?" His voice was completely serious and for a second or two I hesitated before we both burst out into laughter. "Yeah right. Like I would kill a friend of Jen. That would just be idiocy."

Poor Alex had no clue what was going. Just one look at his face and I knew he was confused, and a bit jealous. I shook my head. "Alex, this vampire took in Jen. He's a friend." Alex smiled and I pulled him up, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Alex," Alex said, sticking out his hand.

"Sirius." Alex nodded as they shook hands. I smiled and put my hands on Alex's shoulder. "Well then, you're free to leave. If you wish, I'll have one of my new guards escort you home."

"No that's fine. My legs haven't been used in forever and we have some hunting to do. Besides, if a guard came into our house at this point I think Sophie would probably attack them. I'm guessing she isn't liking the situation one bit." Sirius nodded.

"Then I suppose this is goodbye." A thought struck me then.

"Does this mean Jen will be staying here?"

"Yes. There is no possible way she could go anywhere else. She's under my protection." I smiled at hearing his dedication to keeping her safe. It made me feel good knowing Jen finally got the happy ending she deserved.

"You ever hurt her and I'm coming after you." The first time I used those words, with Luke, things didn't go so well. But I was pretty sure I was safe this time. I was only Alex's and I always would be.

"I don't intend to." It was kind of funny how he used the exact same wording Luke did. "Can I ask, out of curiosity, why you're in here? I know why Alex is, the guards wouldn't shut up about it, but you?"

"I basically forced them to put me in here. Whatever Alex's fate is is my fate. I belong with Alex no matter what." He smiled and we exchanged a quick hug before Alex and I walked out hand in hand. "Bye Mr. Vampire King!" He chuckled as we turned the corner and exited the palace.

"Shall we hunt now?" I nodded, grinning from ear to ear.

"Yes we shall. I'll race you!" And I took off, laughing as Alex screamed about fairness behind me. "You'll never beat me if you don't shut up!" I screamed behind me, smiling as my legs begged for more. I closed my eyes and smelled the air. So many scents filled my nostrils. It was so good to be alive.
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One chapter left! Yep. there are 40 chapters. told you I couldn't let it be something other than a multiple of ten.