My Ex-Boyfriend Became a Vampire Recently... And He Wants Me Back

Chapter 4

~Claire's POV~

"So, Luke seems cool."

"He's amazing! Oh my God!"

"So tell me more about him. I want to get to know him enough to make a judgment."

"Well, he's like really sweet, even though he's popular. How many popular guys are sweet, Claire? I mean really. And he..." She continued to describe him. I listened, enthralled by her descrition. Of course, I had no idea how much of it was real and how much was a lovesick puppy's interpretation, but what I heard I was quite pleased with.

The only thing was, what I heard made me a little bit too happy. Luke seemed like the perfect guy, and I felt a stab of jealousy running through me. My perfect guy was a vampire. And I would never meet him.

Little did I know that I most definitely would meet him and the story would be so complicated it would make even my head spin, though I was a part of it.

~Alex's POV~

"So what's your name?"

"I'm Damien." Somehow that name felt really familiar. I couldn't place my finger on it, but I knew I had heard of a Damien before, when it came to vampires. I think he was someone important.

I just shrugged it off. "Nice name."

"Oh my gosh Daddy! Isn't Alex like, so amazing?"

"Yes, he sure does seem that way." They started talking as if I wasn't there. I just kept trying to remember where I had heard of Damien before. Where have I heard of that name? I rolled my eyes whenever Marcy talked. She was way too hyper for comfort.

"Now let me show you around, Alex." Now, this place was huge. It took about three hours to show me around. Afterwards all of our fangs were extended. And I was faced with a dilemma: I still felt queezy at the sight of blood, no matter how much my body begged for it. My mind just couldn't bend around it.

"Oh Daddy? Can you give Alex some blood mixed in with something else? He's newly turned and he still doesn't like the idea."

"Of course, my angel." It took longer to get us blood with that added effect, but it still took only a minute. Vampire speed was pretty cool, I had to admit. "Here you are. I promise all you'll taste is the juice.

He was quite right. It tasted delicious, and I was able to fool my mind into thinking it was only juice. Of course, if it was only juice, I wouldn't have been able to digest it at all. My body would have convulsed and I would have probably ended up in the hospital. The trick was not to let my mind know that.

After we were ready to go home, Marcy gave her dad a huge hug. I rolled my eyes again. This girl was overwhelming to say the least. "Bye, Daddy! I'll see you soon, ok?" On the way home, all she could do was glare at me.


"That was my Daddy! I'm his little girl! Couldn't you at least pretend to like me?"

"I could have."

"But you didn't, you meany!" I stopped. She kidnapped me, marked me without my consent, and killed my family. And I was the mean one?

"Ok. I'm sorry." Not. She just crossed her arms and huffed while she walked away. I rolled my eyes for the umpteenth time. Moody much?

"Why do you have to be so mean?"

"Why do you have to be so moody?" She glared at me again.

Later, after a long time trying to come up with an answer, I was starting to give up. "Where have I heard the name Damien before, Marcy? I know I've heard it!"

"I don't know. Depends on how much you've heard about vampires."

"Whatever. I'm going down to the library."

"Ok. See you later Sweety." I thought I was going to throw up because of the pet name. I probably would have if my body was still capable of it.

I went down to the library and looked up every book I could on vampiric history. If Damien was as important as he seemed to be, he would be in at least one of them. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

Lucky for me I had vampire speed and sight or I never would have been able to search for all of the books they had. I only really needed one though. He ended up being mentioned in all of them. My heart would have stopped if it was still beating.

King Damien. Marcy was a princess.
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Yes there IS a reason that was not mentioned in her character description. It is very important to the plot line and I wanted to accentuate that by letting it be discovered rather than given to you. You'll see why as we get further into the story.