My Ex-Boyfriend Became a Vampire Recently... And He Wants Me Back

Chapter 8

~Alex's POV~

Claire was absolutely freaking out, but all I was doing was smiling. Sure, there was a sudden wave of pain that was actually enough to make me wince (it takes a lot to make a vampire wince). But, to be honest, I expected worse. I expected to fall on my back or something of the sort. But I had to do it. I had to kiss her. I couldn't take it anymore.

"I can't believe you went to see her again!"

"Marcy, I can't touch her without going through pain! I think you've really got nothing to worry about. You're being ridiculous." Marcy just huffed and walked away. I smiled. Sure, I went through pain, but I meant what I said. It was worth it. It was completely worth it.

I thought about Claire. How her hair stood out among everything and served as a tracker which I constantly used to find her. How whenever she smiled, her entire face seemed to glisten and brighten slightly. How whenever she was nervous she started tapping her fingers against her palm like a drum. How everything about her made me go insane wanting to hold her, kiss her, touch her. How she could only think of the pain I went through if I did. She didn't realize, did she? She didn't realize that it was so much more painful to be next to her and not touch her than to touch her and cause a minor physical pain. Oh, silly, silly Claire. She didn't quite realize how much she meant to me. What I was willing to do.

"Stop daydreaming about that disgusting human! You have me!" She walked forward few steps, trying to suck me in and make me give into those lush, flaunting curves. I just laughed and started to walk away. Hips? Claire had everything in her very being to attract me to her, and Marcy had her hips. Yeah, I couldn't predict how that match would go...

"Stop it! Stop it! Please, Alex. I need you." She flung herself into my unwilling arms, throwing her arms around my neck and kissing my cheek repeatedly. The sticky feeling coming off of her lipstick was making me feel nauseated.

"Marcy, just because you marked me doesn't mean that I am yours. I'll never belong to you." With that, I pushed her onto the floor and walked away. She started screaming at me, but I kept walking. Marcy had her hips. Claire had her everything. It really wasn't much of a contest.
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This chapter is extremely short. Oh well.