My Ex-Boyfriend Became a Vampire Recently... And He Wants Me Back

Chapter 9

~Claire's POV~

School. Enough said. You can already tell, just by saying that one word, that I was both bored to tears and feeling dejected due to all of the stares I was receiving. That and all of the people walking up to me, making me think I would talk to them, and then suddenly asking "Aren't you the sister of the chick dating Luke?" Honestly, I was pretty much ready to crawl into a hole and die.

Sophie was sick for the day, making it even worse. Problem was, everyone notices when the popular boy's girlfriend is missing. They notice that the boyfriend is sitting all alone, just waiting for someone to snatch him away. At least Luke realized that before he came to school. If he had flirted with anyone, he would be dead. Instead, he was sitting with me to avoid the crowd.

No one wanted the sister of the girlfriend to know that they were out to eliminate the competition, so no girls bothered us for the most part. Although Luke's friends came and they were... loud...

Practically every sentence Luke said made me bust up laughing. I had never really paid attention, but now that I thought about it he was pretty funny. Just another tick of perfection to add to my sister's jackpot. I couldn't help but let the bitterness come over me. I had perfection. But there was a glass wall in between. Oh, the cruelty of it all.

When I got home, I checked in on Sophie. Poor thing had a really nasty temperature. Don't know where she got it, but it had pretty much attacked her entire body. Her throat was sore, she looked pale, and she had to force her stomach to even think about eating without throwing up. I put a cold washcloth over her head for a little while to cool her down and then took it off, taking care of everything else she needed.

The problem with having my sister sick was that all of the people who usually hung out with her suddenly swarmed around me. I thought I was going to suffocate when I arrived at school in the morning with people asking things like "Is she alright?" "Did her fever break?" And such worried exchanges as "She hasn't missed two days in a row since third grade!"

"She'll be fine! It'll be ok, guys."

"I hope you don't mind if I intrude, but I really must ask her about the state of my girlfriend. And I would prefer to do it in private." All of the girls giggled, the guys just grumbled and walked away. "Better?"

"Much. Thanks."

"No problem." We walked together for the rest of the day, talking about random stuff and basically keeping everyone else off of each other's backs. It was nice. No one bugged me the entire day. Best day in a long time.