‹ Prequel: There's Room for Two
Status: small haitus : (

Forgive Me

I Love You.

“Hooome!” Jack yelled as he opened the door to Maria’s apartment. I giggled and followed the boys inside.

“You’re not in Maryland sweetie.” Maria called from her couch. “But there is some chicken nuggets and mac&cheese on the stove.” She pointed over her head toward the kitchen.

“Fooood!” Jack’s eyes widened as he went running to the kitchen, causing me to laugh harder.

“Calm down Jackie.” I shook my head and went to sit next to my best friend. “Hey love, how’s things been?” I plopped down and she turned her head with a skeptic look.

“I told you that last night over the phone, remember?” Maria cocked her head to the side and I rolled my eyes. I didn’t have to look to know Alex was beside me, and I’m sure my smile brightened as he squished in between me and the arm of the couch. “However, I did forget to mention Damien is dying to see you.” I felt my heart sink a little at the mention of him. Damien and I had grown so close the one week I’d spent here, and I’d missed him on the tour.

“How is he doing?” I asked, covering up my burning curiosity quite nicely. Damien and I had also lost touch over tour.

“Same old Damien.” Maria shrugged and turned her head back to the TV. “Though he apparently does have this new crush on one of the makeup girls.”

“I smell match making in the process?” I grinned and leaned back into Alex’s arms.

“A must.” Maria agreed and a loud commotion came from the kitchen. “Barakat!” Maria screamed and pushed herself up off the couch.

“I didn’t do it!” Jack defended and I giggled as I laced my fingers with Alex’s on my stomach.

“You gonna go get in the bed doll?” I slightly turned my head to look at him. Alex had been falling asleep the last few minutes of the ride to New York and I knew he was still exhausted. All the guys were, and I was surprised I hadn’t felt the after effects of tour yet. Alex shook his head, too tired to speak, and laid it on my shoulder. “You should.” I kissed the top of his head and turned back around.

“I’m not going unless you come with me.” Alex mumbled and I found his stubbornness adorable.

“Well, I’m going to take a shower so you’re going to be by yourself anyway.” I tried persuading him. He groaned, forcing me to stifle my giggles the best I could. “Come on.” I pulled Alex up off the couch with me and dragged him down the hall to Maria’s guest bedroom, the one that had been mine. “After I shower and you rest, we’ll play a little game. How’s that sound?” I smirked as I pushed him down on the bed. It mostly only worked due to the fact that he was dead on his feet, otherwise I wouldn’t’ have been able to budge him.

“What kind of game?” He tried smirking back at me but it came off as a sleepy grin.

“A game with kissing, and touching, and whatever else you want.” I bent down and lightly kissed him on the lips. “I’ll be back in a little bit.” Alex groaned again in protest, but laid there limp. I left the room, softly closing the door behind me, and making my way to Maria’s room first for clothes and then to the shower.

After bathing myself, and making sure every inch of me smelled like raspberries, I stepped out of the shower and quickly dressed in the gray skinny jeans and light blue tee I’d borrowed from Maria to wear. My hair was still damp so I pinned back my fringe and let the rest of it air dry, not bothering to add any makeup, or at least not yet. I opened the door and went for the kitchen before going back to Alex.

“How long before the next tour?” Maria’s voice drifted from the kitchen as I reached the living room.

“I think a couple weeks, maybe a month?” Rian asked more then stated.

“No more than a month.” Jack agreed and I shook my head. Those boys were so disoriented they didn’t know what month it was.

“It’s a little less than a month.” I answered as I entered and all eyes turned to me.

“Pretty Ana.” Jack commented and I smiled at him. “I’d almost forgotten what you looked like under all that dirt “ He laughed and my smile turned to a frown and a glare.

“Douche.” I muttered and walked over to the cupboard. “What is there to eat lovely?” I asked Maria as she sat on the counter next to me.

“Poptarts and skittles.” Zack answered for Maria from the kitchen table. I glanced over my shoulder to raise one eyebrow at him. I had briefly discussed Maria with Zack and he had tried to avoid the subject the entire time, a sure give away that he was crushing on her. I also assumed that he as joking, but as I opened the doors to the cupboard the only thing I could see were huge bags of skittles and boxes of blueberry poptarts.

“Holy shit, Maria.” I pulled one box of poptarts out and held it up. “What happened while I was gone?” I looked at the box more closely and realized she’d gotten the ones without frosting on them. “Ew, and no frosting at that!”

“You can thank the gorgeous Frank Iero for that.” She giggled and I gave her a ‘wtf’ look as I opened the box. “He stocked my food supplies while you were gone and I was sick. I got out of the bed to find nothing but Sierra Mist and corndogs in my fridge and those in my cupboards.” I cracked up at that, vaguely remembering her telling me she was sick via text messages.

“Definitely have to remember to tell Iero thanks.” I nodded with a bit of sarcasm in my tone.

“How long are you guys staying here in New York?” Maria tilted her head and leaned back on her hands on the counter.

“Probably a week or so.” Rian shrugged and I felt a bit sad. I’d hate to see the guys leave, and the whole subject just made me fret the conversation I was going to have to have with Alex about it sooner or later.

“Then back to sweet Maryland.” Jack cheered and I rolled my eyes as the guys laughed at him. I took my poptart and left the kitchen. I creaked the door to the guest bedroom to see Alex sprawled out on top of the covers. He looked precious and I tip toed into the room, easing on to the bed, trying my best not to wake him up. Of course the second I opened my poptart his eyes slowly opened.

“You’re back.” He grinned and scooted over so he could lay his arm around my lap, hugging my waist.

“And you’re still sleepy.” I giggled and took a bite of my poptart, scrunching my nose at the nasty taste without frosting. He opened his eyes just the slightest bit and pretended to glare at me.

“You promised.” He mumbled and tugged my waist toward him, making me giggle harder.

“Maybe once you wake up.” I suggested and sat the rest of the poptart down on the nightstand. I leaned over to kiss his forehead and then leave while he slept, but Alex took the advantage of me being off balance as I leaned over him. He quickly wrapped his other arm around me and pulled me down beside him. “Alex.” I groaned, but smiled, as he snuggled his face into my neck.

“Sleep with me.” He muttered and squeezed my waist. I turned to look down at his gorgeous sleeping face and smiled.

“Of course.” I lightly placed a kiss on top of his head.

“Mmm.” He grinned and hugged me closer to him. “I love you.” His kissed my neck and then snuggled back into it, making me laugh lightly as it tickled.

“I love you too.” I closed my eyes and shifted onto my side, so my back was facing him.
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sorry this took so long guys X D
I switched titles for this one so many times, I'm not sure what I started with
hope you guys love it as much as I do!

the cuties are baaaaaack ; ]