‹ Prequel: There's Room for Two
Status: small haitus : (

Forgive Me

Movies Are So Boring


“Fuck you, Alex!” Maria screamed over her shoulder and power walked to the car. “I’m gonna have a fucking bruise in the morning.” She grumbled and I watched as Zach jogged to catch up with her.

“That wasn’t very nice, slut muffin.” I pushed my weight onto Alex’s side for a few seconds before standing straight again.

“I was only playing.” Alex defended in his most innocent voice. “Besides, look what I have created.” He nodded ahead of us at Maria and Zack. She had her head lying on his shoulder and his arm around her shoulders.

“They are so cute together.” I sighed and laid my head down on Alex’s shoulder.

“I think it’s all very sickening.” Rian’s disgusted face at the two ahead of us and then at me and Alex made me giggle.

“Aw, you know you just miss Kara like crazy.” I teased him and he rolled his eyes, pretending I wasn’t right.

“Kara’s having a nervous breakdown due to college.” Rian stated with sadness. “That’s why I’m heading out tomorrow morning on a plane.”

“You’re already leaving us?” I cried like a dramatic queen. Rian just shook his head.

“Like I said, all of you sicken me.” He tried to stay serious, but ended up cracking a smile.

“Whatevs.” I turned back to Alex to see him staring off into nothingness again with such a concentrated, melancholy look that it bothered me. There was something he wasn’t telling me, but I wasn’t going to sleep till he did.

“Hurry up and open the god damn doors, Gaskarth!” Maria barked as we approached the car where she was huddled against Zack’s chest to keep warm. “It’s fucking freezing.” She mumbled and turned her head the other way.

“I didn’t lock them in the first place.” Alex laughed and popped open the driver door. Maria just glared and climbed into the back as Zack held the door open for her.

“You guys stop fighting.” I groaned as I hopped into the passenger seat and everybody else climbed into the car. This time Maria was the lucky one to have to sit on laps, though I’m sure she didn’t mind since it was Zack’s.

“Not till Gaskarth apologizes.” Maria crossed her arms over her chest and pouted like the three year old she tends to be sometimes.

“Yeah, Gaskarth!” Jack backed Maria up and it made me giggle how young they all acted.

“I am dreadfully sorry I threw the rocks at your feet to make you trip back at the field, Maria.” Alex looked at her in the rear view mirror as he backed up and the sincerity in his voice made me melt. “I only did it so Zack could look like the hero and kiss your scabbed knee.” He winked at her before we sped off and most of the car erupted into laughter. Excluding, of course, Maria who was grinning like mad and Zack who was blushing profusely.

“In that case, you’re forgiven.” Maria cheered and went back to looking out the window.

“So what are we doing for the rest of the day exactly?” Jack inquired, now bored since Alex apologized and Maria forgave.

“Hanging out and watching movies before Rian has to leave us.” I sent back a fake glare over my shoulder at Rian as he rolled his eyes.

“Stop being damn dramatic, I’ll see you in like a week.” Rian said sarcastically and pushed the back of my chair.

“Movies are so boring!” Jack groaned and threw his head into his hands.

“Well, maybe you should take a walk to central park since you’re oh so full of energy.” I giggled and felt my heart race faster as Alex took my hand in his over the middle console.

“Will you come with me?!” His head popped up and he started to give puppy eyes as he jutted out his bottom lip.

“Aw, of course I’ll go. Maybe we can take an acoustic with us and play for pennies!” My eyes got wide just as his did and he started to nod so fiercely that it looked like his head could fall off.

“That would be so freaking much fun! We’re totally doing it.” He raised his hand to high five me and I smacked it with my own, both of us smiling like maniacs.

“What about me?” Alex pouted and kept glancing at me from the corner of his eyes, squeezing my hand.

“You get to watch over the kiddies and make sure they behave themselves.” I smiled innocently and watched as he rolled his eyes. He was so damn cute, I couldn’t help myself from leaning in and kissing his cheek quickly.

“That’s not exactly fair.” He mumbled, but I noticed he wasn’t protesting. Alex was so sweet, he’d never let me not have my way.

“How about tomorrow you can have me all by yourself, all day?” I bargained with him and saw the smirk crawl on his face as the possibilities went through his mind.

“Uh, do you mind not talking dirty like this in front of the kiddies?” Maria mocked me and I turned to glare at her briefly. “We do have such innocent minds and you two are corrupting us all.” I busted out laughing at the thought of any one of the All Time Low boys having an innocent mind.

“Me sorry Maria.” I winked at her. “I’ll save all the dirty talk for when it’s just you and me.”

“Damn straight.” She giggled too. I noticed the car starting to slow down and then looked out the window to see our apartment building, well Maria’s apartment building.

“I’ll run up and grab my acoustic.” I yelled at Jack as we all climbed out of the car in the parking garage across the street. “You stay here.” I pointed at our feet and Jack rolled his eyes.

“I’m not a little kid.” He crossed his arms and I just stared at him. “Well, not all the time.” He corrected himself and I just laughed.

“Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.” I jogged to catch up with everybody else who was already crossing the street and grabbed Alex’s hand when I did. “I meant what I said about tomorrow.” I whispered in his ear and watched a wide smile spread on his gorgeous lips. He turned to me and kissed my temple while squeezing my hand.

“I’m glad. It’s been so long since we’ve been able to have some privacy and alone time from the guys.” He’s adorable, loving expression turned mischievous in seconds. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep my hands off of you.” He winked and wrapped his arm around my neck, pulling me close to his side as we crammed into the elevator with everybody else.

“I think I like that idea.” I playfully teased as I started to twirl a piece of his hair in my fingers. Alexfinally leaned in and kissed my lips gently. The world around us disappeared and I let my hand caress the back of his neck. It was so perfect, until Maria threw something at us of course.

“Dudes, the elevator dinged like a minute ago.” Zack was holding the ‘doors open’ button and Rian was shaking his head on the other side. I blushed and pulled Alex off the elevator and down the hall to the apartment.

After getting everybody inside, I went to the guest bedroom where my duffel bag of nasty warped tour clothes that severely needed a washing, and a few items I’d had friends back in Maryland send here for when I got back from tour, my acoustic guitar being among those items. I grabbed it, said my goodbyes, and kissed Alex bye again before I was out the door and down the stairs with the guitar on my back.
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constructive criticism?

banner credit to :: Sian!
cause she's amazing ; ]