Loonie Moonies

Chapter Four

I pulled the slip of paper out of my bag and checked the address that was written on it. Once I confirmed that they were the same, I dropped the paper into my bag and knocked on the door. I had to admit that I was surprised when Ringo himself answered the door.

“’Ello, Emily,” he said with a huge grin on his face.

“Hello, Ringo,” I replied, giving him a small smile. “Will we be shooting here?”

He nodded. “Please come in.”

I walked into the small house and set my bag at my feet. I took my sweater off and Ringo took it from me. He reappeared in a few minutes later and that smile was still on his face. Ringo was a very good-looking guy and I would’ve been content to just sit and stare at him, but I had a job to get done.

“Where do you want me to shoot?” I asked.

“In my study and then in the backyard,” he replied. “If we have time.”

I got up and began working immediately. Ringo was a swell and funny guy, who reminded me of a less-rude version of my brother. I liked photographing him in his backyard and gardens. He seemed to be the most comfortable there.

“Here’s your money,” Ringo said, holding out an envelope as I packed my things back up.

“Thank you,” I told him as I took the envelope. “Hopefully you’ll have your photos by the end of the week. Would you like the negatives, too?”

“Nah,” he said. “Say, um, would you like to catch an early dinner with me, Emily?”

“I’m sorry, Ringo,” I replied, “but I can’t. I’ve got to be getting home. My brother’ll probably blow up the house if I leave him alone much longer.”

The smile finally faded from Ringo’s face. “Oh, alright. Maybe some other time?”

“Sure,” I said as I pulled my sweater on. “You’ve got my number; just give me a ring.”

He smiled. “Will do.”
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Sorry this took so long. I lost interest in the story for a while. But, I'm back into it again so things should be coming along a little faster now. :)

I'm also sorry about the briefness of Ringo's appearance. He will be appearing again though, so don't worry.
