Is Third Time Really A Charm

It's Wrong But I Like It

I pushed away but held her wrists in my hands. I looked into her puppy dog eyes, which were bigger then normal at the moment. I finally got enough spit in my mouth to speak again. "Why?"

"Because, everyone deserves another chance." She said squirming out of the hold i had on her and trying to make it to the bedroom where Erik was sleeping at. I ran to help her.

"I already had two chances i don't deserve another with you. And what about Erik? I thought you loved him?!"

"I do." She said easing herself down on the bed. "But i love you too. I just don't know who to choose and who i love more." And with saying that she smiled at me and laid down. She was asleep. Should i tell Erik? No, it would only make things worse. But he deserves to know! But it would ruin our friendship and his relationship with Sam. What do i do?!
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its short but its all i got so far