Is Third Time Really A Charm

Trusting Someone Isn't The Same As Loving Someone

The next morning was awkward, Sam remembered what had happened...

"So, today is quiet..." Erik said trying to get us to talk. "Did something happen last night?"

"No!" I said getting up from the table and walking outside. Erik followed.

"Dude! What the fuck is going on here?! I want the truth, dammit!" I sighed and told him, the truth.

"Sam was drunk when she came home last night..."

"She didn't bring home a guy did she?!"

"No, no."

"Then what?!"

"I helped her to bed, she told me she still loves me... then she kissed me. I knew i had to tell you so you would know the truth and i didn't want to if tha-" He cut off my rambling.

"It's fine" he said, obviously pissed. "You did the right thing. I'm not mad at you." I sighed, relieved. He walked back inside and i heard him talking to Sam. "What were you thinking?!"

"I wasn't OK?! You knew i still liked Chester, why are you so surprised?!"

"Because i trusted you!"

"It was just a kiss!"

"First it will be just a kiss, then making out, then it'll be just sex!"

"No thats not-"

"Stop right there!"

"But i-"

"SHUT UP!" Sam got tears in her eyes. " I don't want you in my sight. I need to think." And with that said Sam ran into the bathroom and locked the door. Were they going to break up? Over me?!
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wonder what will happen^^