The Wild and Fantastic Adventures of the Snoo

Tu Idiotas!

Tré yawned another big yawn. He couldn’t help himself; he was tired.

“Had another late nighter?” his fellow friend and band mate Billie Joe asked, noticing Tré’s unusual tiredness.

“Yeah...” Tré replied with another yawn. He had been staying up late for a while now and it was starting to catch up on him.

“Why do you keep staying up so late?” his other friend and band mate Mike added.

Tré shrugged. “Just doing stuff, important business and stuff that requires me to be active half the night.”

“Yeah...” Billie didn’t think Tré was telling the whole truth but decided to let it slide for now.

They were in a car, going somewhere. Tré couldn’t remember where. He was too tired to try to recall. Besides, he would find out eventually and it wasn’t really all that important. He gazed blankly out the window, wishing that he could take a nap or something. He could hardly keep his eyes open and hardly paid attention to whatever Mike and Billie were talking about. At least they left him alone.

Staring out the window, he started thinking about last night. It had been easy enough last night, but he couldn’t help but feel uneasy about it. It had almost been too easy. He sighed. Sometimes he wished that he could tell Billie and Mike his secret, but he wasn’t sure how they would react. They’d probably throw him into the loony bin.

Tré rubbed his eyes, not believing what he had just seen. He rolled down his window and stuck his head out a bit to check. As soon as his suspicions were confirmed, he brought his head back in and rolled his window back up.

“What’d you do that for?” Mike asked, giving him a weird look.

“Just seeing something. We need to pullover or something,” Tré told him.

“What? Why?” Billie’s face scrunched up in confusion. He was the one driving. “Are you going to be sick or something?”

“No, but can you stop or something?” Tré pleaded. His sleepiness deserted him and now he was alert and anxious. He needed to get out of the car.

“I can’t just stop,” Billie told him.


“Dude, chill,” Mike cut in.

“Punto el coche, tu idiotas!” Tré shouted.

Billie suddenly slammed on the brakes. There was a screech from the tires and the car behind them stopped only an inch away from their bumper. “Did you just yell at me in Spanish?” he asked, looking at Tré as though he were crazy.

The people behind them honked angrily as Tré hurriedly replied, “I’ll explain later.” He opened the door and got up on the sidewalk. Then he ran back down an alley and checked around real quick before ripping off his shirt, revealing a rainbow vest.