Star Crossed Lovers

First installment of a three part fan fiction.
I haven't come up with a name yet, and would appriciate some help. (: any ideas welcome.

Okay, well this is the plot of this story.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have been dating for a while and are completely and utterly in love. Rob's exactly what Kristen needs in her life, she was depressed and completely lost. Rob was her knight in shining armour, her sliver lining, her hero. He was all she ever needed and when everything went wrong, they were always there for each other. That was at least until Kristen's life took a turn for the better. She was recognised for her beauty and her talent. She's getting calls for auditions left, right and center. Her life becomes successful and she finally thinks she's worth something. Things aren't always as happy as they seem though. With all of this, she begins to loose herself within her work, becoming bigheaded, arrogant and selfish. She forgets who she is and it takes her toll on Rob's heart. Will their love survive?

{I do not own the characters, at least not the famous ones. However, I do own the story line, steal it and I will break you in two (: Haha}

I'm writing this like 4 chapters ahead. So all you have to do is comment and subscribe and I will upload the next chapter. (:

Kthankzbye! (: