Star Crossed Lovers

Stay With Me

Rob’s POV

Three Days Later

“Kris, ur l8. Again. Where r u? Rob xx”

I closed the phone and tapped my foot on the table leg. The waitress came up and poured me another water. I noticed her eyes gleam as I spoke, I wish Kristen was here to get all jealous and then I’d tell her how she was the only one for me and we’d make out a little…

I stood up and sighed. At least that was how it used to happen. I left a tip and began to walk out to get a cab. Since she’d left my flat a couple of days ago, I hadn’t really seen or spoken to Kristen. She’d be up and out before I’d even woken up, she walked in the door at stupid hours in the morning and she never answered her phone. I know it’s silly, it’s only three days right? But I hadn’t seen her for months while she was filming. And now she’s off auditioning every day. It was really pissing me off, I just wanted to be with her.

I stood at the side of the road and waited until I saw a little taxi drive by, just as one was coming my way, my phone bleeped and I dropped my hand letting the cab go right past me.

“What now? K.”

Oh what now? What fucking now! I resisted the urge to throw my phone against the wall. Oh yeah, did I mention that when we did speak all we did was argue.

“Dinner. U were supposed 2 b here ages ago. Where r u? Rob xx”

I lifted my head just to see a cab slowing down, I flung out my hand and got in as it parked in front of me. I told the driver my address and settled into the backseat, trying to calm myself. What now? She was really getting on my nerves, did she have to be so fucking rude. My phone vibrated against my leg again. I opened it, gritting my teeth.

“I’m at work. You interrupted me to tell me that I’m late for dinner! Thanks a lot. K.”

I twisted my hands around the head of the phone, wanting to snap it in half. I WAS JUST TRYING TO BE NICE! Isn’t that what boyfriends do? They treat their girlfriends well, they arrange to take them to fancy – and very expensive – restaurants. I mean she was making me feel guilty for being –

“Hey mate. Aren’t you… Ah God, what’s he called. You know? Uhm…” The cabbie interrupted my train of thoughts and I swear to God, if he says Cederic Diggory I was going to push his head through the front window. I sighed, wanting to answer before he even reminded me of that Potter film.

“Yes,” I mumbled.
“Kristen Stewarts fella?” Huh. Well, that was a first. I was never recognised as ‘Kristen Stewart’s fella”. Well, that really boosted my ego. I gritted my teeth again. Since when did I stop being a person and became someone’s fella? I think I preferred being recognised as a wizard.

“Oh, yeah. I am.” He wolf whistled.

“You’re a lucky man,” he waggled his eyebrows at me in the mirror. Pervert. “One talented chick you got there, not bad at acting either. Eh. Eh.” He winked at me and I just looked at the floor, ignoring him as he laughed at his really bad joke.

This day was just not getting any better.
♠ ♠ ♠
Proper short this.