It Will Still Be _ Days Til We Say We're Sorry (Never Say You're Sorry)


That night, Ryan slept soundly, but his dream was of the oddest he's ever had.

Ryan opened his eyes and h was in a hospital bed. Jon came walking through the door. He ran over to Ryan and knelt at his bed, tears streaming down his face.

"Jon, why are you crying?" Ryan asked.

Jon stayed in his position, didn't move, didn't answer.

"Jon? Jon, what's wrong? Jon, answer me!"

Ryan jolted awake in bed. His face was wet with sweat. He sat up and rubbed his face; why did he have that dream? What is it supposed to mean? he looked at his bedside clock that flashed 10:13. He left his room and went into the kitchen to get something to eat. He poured himself some cereal.

"Good morning," Jon said as Ryan put his dishes in the sink.

Ryan mumbled something incoherent in response. He walked down the hall and he swore he heard his name from inside the room next door. He ignored it, probably thinking it was his dream messing with him. He walked into the bathroom and started the shower. The whole time Ryan was in there, he thought about his dream. Why wasn't Jon responding to him? Could he not hear Ryan? Ryan got out and dried off. He changed and joined Spencer on the couch.

"Hey, are Brendon and Jon done talking?"


"Okay, we're going out to dinner tonight."


"Yeah, me and Jon thought it would be a good idea if we spent the night out together."

"Oh, cool."

The day was very boring for Ryan, he really wasn't looking forward to going out to dinner with everyone, but he knew it was unavoidable. Ryan was walking into the bathroom, when he heard his name come from the room Brendon and Jon were in. he knew that it wasn't his dream messing with him this time. He put his ear up to the door and listened.

"But it's all Ryan's fault," Brendon's muffled voice said.

"How?" said Jon, "He hasn't done anything wrong."

"He keeps moping around!"

"But Brendon, you're the one who's choosing to be with him."

"I can't help it! Maybe if he could just get over whatever is bugging him, everything will be fine."

"Brendon, I think you're blowing this whole thing out of proportion."

"My girlfriend think I'm gay Jon!"



"Just admit it! You love Ryan!"

It fell silent and Ryan felt the warm tears stream down his face. He ran out of the front door, slamming it in the process. Spencer sprinted off the couch after Ryan.

"Ryan! What's wrong?"

Ryan shook his head and hopped into the van, "Just leave me alone."

"Ryan come on, don't do anything stupid."

Spencer stormed back into the house and threw open the door to the room Jon and Brendon were in.


"What happened?" Jon asked.

"Ryan heard you guys yelling and he left!"

"Oh no," Brendon said.

Ryan could barely see, the tears were fogging up his vision, he tried to clear his eyes, but the tears kept coming. He was driving along, when out from one of the side streets a man cut out in front of him. Normally Ryan would have said something profane from this action, but he could care less. Ryan followed this guy for some time, until Ryan witnessed a most horrible thing. The sun had set and it was dark , Ryan had been driving for several hours, not knowing where he was going, he just wanted to be away from Brendon. They were driving down a main roadway with lots of other roads branching off. They passes a green light and were barely five minutes down the road, when out from one of the side dirt roads, someone didn't stop at the stop sign and t-boned the guy in front of Ryan. Ryan slammed on his brakes and watched the crash right before his eyes. He driver that didn't stop kept driving, off the road and into a shallow ditch. The person who was driving in front of Ryan had stopped to try and swerve out of the other drivers way and had flipped the car. When everything had calmed down, Ryan pulled out his phone and called the police.


"I need an ambulance! I just saw a car crash!"

"Okay, I have your location at the corner of Welding and Brandan."

Ryan frantically searched for the street sign and calmly said, "yeah. That's it."

"Okay, the ambulance should be there any minute."

"Thank you."

Ryan hung up and got out of the van and ran over to where the two cars were intertwined. He walked up to the small red car and looked in the window, he saw a middle aged man and his younger friend dead in the driver and passenger seat. He walked around it to the silver car, where a young girl was, Ryan knocked on the glass window. The girl looked helplessly at him.

"I called for an ambulance," he half yelled.

The girl started crying and nodded.

A few seconds later, the sound of sirens filled Ryan's ears. Ryan moved out of the way and watched the police pull the girl from the car. One of the paramedics came up to Ryan, "Do you know this girl?"

Ryan thought about it for a moment, he didn't just want to leave this girl by herself with no family, no clue as to what happened, he looked at the man and said, "Yeah, she's my cousin."

The paramedic nodded and said, "Alright, you can hop in and take a ride with her."

Ryan nodded and got in the back of the ambulance. The ride to the hospital for Ryan was spent thinking about his friends. When he had called for the ambulance and the woman on the other line had said Brandan, Ryan couldn't help but think about him, Jon and Spencer.

Jon and Brendon left the room.

"Was he crying?" Jon asked.

"Yeah, he was."

"He can't drive if he's crying."

"No shit Sherlock," Brendon said.

"Does he have his phone?" Jon asked.

"I don't know, try calling."

Brendon walked back into his room to get his phone, and Spencer turned down the TV.

Brendon walked back out into the living room with his phone.

"We have breaking news," the anchor for the news station said, there has been a terrible drunk driving accident. It happened only fifteen minutes ago on the corner of Welding and Brandan."

"Is that the Van!" Jon yelled as they showed footage from the accident.

"Oh my God!" Brendon said.

The image stung in Brendon's head, a million questions ran through his mind, but his main concern was that Ryan was okay.

"Call Ryan!" Spencer yelled at Brendon.

Brendon hit speed dial number two and waited.

Ryan looked at his phone, it said Brendon was calling him. He wanted to talk to him, but he didn't, he wanted everyone to know he was okay, but he was worried about the girl who was hooked up to multiple machines in front of him. The vehicle stopped and Ryan looked out the window. He saw the bright neon lettering of the hospital. The doors swung open and Ryan jumped out. He watched the men pull the girl out and followed them in. They entered and the men took the girl down a hall. Ryan walked up to the front desk and the woman told him everything he needed to do.

Brendon sighed, "he's not answering."

"Let me try," Jon said.

After a few minutes, Jon hung up, "he's not picking up for me either."

"Then we're going to have to go get him," Spencer said.

"We can't," Brendon said.

The other two looked at him dumbfounded.

"What not?!" Jon asked.

"Because we have no clue where he is. We just saw the car crash that happened fifteen minutes ago, we can't just got here."

"He's probably at the hospital," said Spencer.

Brendon sighed, "We can't just walk in there and demand to see him."

"Why not?!"

"All this happened because of us, I don't think he wants to talk to us."

Spencer sighed and sat down on the couch.
♠ ♠ ♠
I finally updated!!!
I'm really sorry about not updating
I meant to update this chapter a long time ago, but it was so long i didn't lol