Talking To The Wall

008: There's Trouble In The Air





Okay...sorry, I was just really shocked about what happened last night. Especially since it all happened so fast and then Danny came and ruined the moment, that sucked, but other than that it was wonderful! We were there, slow dancing to no music at all and we were just there being all happy and what not I just couldn't believe what was happening, eveything was just so wonderful. I wonder what he thinks about it...I mean he did lean in and kiss me but still, was it a good kiss? Was I bad at it? I've never kissed anyone before so I really wouldn't know what was a good kiss and what wasn't.

Do you think I should call him? Or should I wait for him to call me? Argh, I don't know what to do, all I know it I'm all bubbly inside. I've never felt this way before...I don't want to scare Ryder away now because of how I I feel.

Damn, I'm not even sure of how I feel. What do you think I should do, Wallie?

Just then a buzz on her intercom made Mikayla's heart beat faster. She wasn't sure of who it was, but she really did hope that it was Ryder, come to possibly sweep her off her feet again. Slowly she pushed the talk button, asking who it was and then the listen button to see what her answer would be.

"It's me, we need to talk." It was Danny. Mikayla sighed, buzzing him in and opening the door for him and walking off into her kitchen for a nice cup of coffee. When Danny got in he quickly close the door behind him and made his way towards his sister.

"What's up?" Mikayla asked, wanting to know why her brother sounded so serious. Danny looked at her worriedly motioning for her to sit down and she did.

"Well, last night is a bit blurry but, you kissed Ryder, right?" Mikayla blushed nodded her head, biting on her lip trying to hide her smile and Danny saw this. It broke his heart to have to tell her this, he didn't want to.

"Well, remember how I drunkenly said, Leo was going to be pissed?" Mikayla nodded her head, already not liking where this was going, while Ryder on the other side of the wall, tried to listen closely to their hushed words. He was always worried about what Danny was going to say.

"Mikayla, I love you, and you know I want you to be happy right?" Mikayla nodded her head, taking deep breaths. She could already feel what was coming.

"Well, last night, Dad wanted you to be set up with Leo, but when he saw you come in with Ryder he was so happy that you had possibly found someone for yourself on your own he completely forgot about Leo. Leo on the other hand, I heard rumors that he's pissed. Now, because he knows Dad, I know he would never hurt you..." Ryder was so confused, who was this Leo person? Why the hell would he all of a sudden want Mikayla? Did she want him too?

"He would hurt Ryder, wouldn't he?" Mikayla was in tears by now and Danny immediatly put his arms around his baby sister, knowing that this isn't what she wanted. He could tell that she really cared for Ryder, that she wanted to something to happen with this guy.

"I hate him, I can't believe he would do this!" Danny tried to calm his sister, so that he could tell her that he would do anything for her. Unlike himself, Danny knew that his sister wanted to find something solid in her life, someone that would actually love her.

"Don't worry. We'll see what we can do, okay? I don't want you to stop seeing Ryder either, but if you do right now he could be in serious danger." Mikayla nodded her head knowing what he was going to suggest.

"I can't see him for a while huh?" Danny nodded his head solmenly and Mikayla just cried some more. Ryder sat on the other side of the wall in complete shock. 'What the hell is going on?'