Sequel: My Heart

Never Let This Go

Chapter 1

“Sarah, wake up. Your going to be late” my mother shouted
Grrr I thought I myself
“Ok I’m up” I dragged myself out of bed I’m really not looking forward to this. It was my first day at a new school again. My mum likes to move around quite a lot, she gets bored easily if she stays in one place for to long. I just hope that this time we are here to stay for good.
Oh silly me, I have forgot to introduce myself properly.
My name is Sarah Jones, I’m 16 years old, I have issues, then again what 16 year old doesn’t? I’m originally from the UK but my mum wanted to get away from the miserable weather so she decided to move to America. I’m a only child. I don’t have many friends and I like to keep it that way I don’t like getting to attached to people. Just incase I have to move again. I have my nose pierced on the right side and my lip pierced on the left side. Anyways I must get ready for school.
I walked over to my wardrobe, grabbed my black navy skinny jeans, my blink 182 t shirt and my criminal damage star jacket. I slipped my black and white converse on and ran into the bathroom quickly brushed me teeth than ran downstairs towards the front door.
“ You not having any breakfast love?” my mum shouted from the kitchen
“No I’ll get something at school, the bus will be here soon, see ya later”
Just as I walked out of the door the bus was pulling over. it’s a good thing that I live in front of a bus stop.
I got onto the bus took a seat next to a chubby kid, it was the only one not taken. He was talking to 2 other boys sat in front of him as soon as I sat down , he turned to me and said “ Hey sweet thang”
“Hey” I said while giggling
One of the lads heard what he said to me and punched him lightly
“hey what was that for” he whined
“ For being so cheeky” The other lad replied “ Hey, I’m josh, this dude here is my brother zac and this guy here is Jeremy”
“ Hey nice to meet you” I said
I thought to myself this might not be so bad after all plus I think josh is cute, I doubt he will like me though.

“So we haven’t seen you round here before, are you the one that moved into that big house near Newhaven park” (made up name) said Jeremy
“Yeah, I don’t know why we moved into a house that big, theres only me and my mum”
“What, no dad?”
“No he passed away when I was 6”
“Oh I’m sorry”
“Its ok”
We continued to make small talk all the way to school, I got on really well with the two brother, its like I have known them my whole life, zac has a habit of talking about anything and he would go on for ages. I glanced over at josh a few times and caught him looking at me, and when he saw me looking at him he smiled then looked away. Maybe he does like me. Jeremy caught us looking at each other, then gave josh a funny look.
Once we got to school, Jeremy and josh got off the bus and walked towards two girls, they hugged one and other and Jeremy kissed one of them.
That must be his girlfriend, but who is the other one I thought
“ That’s Hayley the one with red hair shes one of our best friends and the one next to her is Sarah, Jeremy‘s girlfriend” Zac said
“I guessed that when Jeremy kissed her” I laughed
“Come on I’ll introduce you to them” Zac said as he walk off
So I followed him to were they was stood
“Hey girls, this is Sarah, shes a newbie just like you hayley”
“Oh cool, don’t worry its not that bad here btw I love your shirt” she said
“Thanks I love your hair” I said
“Thanks, I’m so glad theres another girl in the group theres too many boys” she said pushing zac jokingly out of the way
Wow first day and I have made like 5 new friends and they seem like really nice people.
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Tell me what ya think, :)