Sequel: My Heart

Never Let This Go

Chapter 10

“He said that we are not what he is looking for” Hayley said as she took a seat on a bar stool
“What? How can he say that. I thought you was great. How could you not be what he was looking for?” I said
“Well I don’t know but we spent weeks practising and it was all for nothing”
“No it wasn’t. Its not your fault that he has no taste in music, you guys are great. Don’t worry there will be other chances” Said Kacey
“Yeah your right, we shouldn’t let that guy put us down”
4 weeks has past since the last gig, and they have another one tonight, and there is going to be another talent scout there. Hopefully this one will have good taste in music. Everyone was really nervous, I couldn’t blame them.
“I can’t do this” Hayley said as she walked up and down
“Don’t worry you guys are going to do great. Me and Kacey are going to make our way through the crowd so good luck ” I said giving the band a hug and I give Josh a kiss.
As me and Kacey made our way through the crowd we saw the same lads that was there last time, thank god they didn’t see us they was so annoying. Just as we got to the front of the stage Paramore came on, Kacey and me went wild. We sang along and danced the whole way through the performance. They play a couple new songs and a few they played last time. After they finished there was only two other bands playing so we decided to stay on the dance floor for a while. We was joined by Taylor and Josh, they seemed more happier than before which is good because I hated it when I saw them unhappy. After a couple of minutes I went to get a drink from the bar which wasn’t a good idea coz them dudes spotted me.
“Hey can I buy you that drink” One of them said
“No thanks” I said without looking at him. The other dude walked up behind me and slapped my ass.
“What do you think you are doing?” I snapped
“ Just admiring your body” I smirked as he looked me up and down
“Well don’t” I said as I paid the guy behind the bar. I walked back to the dance floor after drinking and began to dance again. After 10 minutes dancing I started to feel really sick, I quickly ran to the bathroom coz I had the feeling as if I was actual gonna puke. I was followed by Hayley, Sarah and Kacey.
“You ok?” Asked Sarah
“Yeah I’m fine now” I said after finish vomiting. I came out of the cubical and looked at myself in the mirror
“Wow I look like shit” I said letting out a weak laugh. The girls looked at me and helped me freshen up.
“I think you should go home, you really do look well” Hayley suggested
“ But I wanted to stay here with you guys and surport you”
“You have done just by showing up” she smiled
“Fine, I’ll go home to rest, I’ll see you guys later”
“You didn’t think we would let you walk home on your own did you?”
“I will be fine, you guys need to stay here”
“Only if your sure you don’t want anyone to walk with ya”
“Yes I’m sure, now enjoy the rest of your night” I said as I give everyone a hug. I made my way back to the dance floor to find Josh. But he wasn’t there, so as I walked outside I saw him stood outside chatting to some girl.
“Hey, you ok?” He asked
“Yeah I’m ok, but I’m gonna head home”
“Ok I will walk with you”
“No I’ll be alright, text me when you find out the results”
“Will do, but ring me in 5 minutes just to let me know your ok”
“I will” I said as he hugged me and kissed my forehead. I walked away and looked back at that girl. Who is she? I turned around and began to walk home, I got about 10 minutes down the road and I forgot to phone Josh so I sent him a text saying I was almost home. Just after I sent that text I sensed that I was being watched, I turned around and I saw one of the dudes that was trying to chat me up again. I quickly turned around and picked up my pace. All of a sudden I went all dizzy and light headed. I started to panic. I fell to the floor I was near a dark ally, not a good place to collapse. The next thing I saw was that dude kneel down next to me. My sight went all blurry and I heard the guy say something but I couldn’t make out what it was. Then all of a sudden I blacked out.
The next thing I remember was waking up and it was getting light, I had been lay on some garbage bags. I looked down at my legs to find that my tights have been ripped and I was bleeding down there. I started to panic again and tried to think back to last night. Then it all came back to me. I began to cry hysterically. How could this happen to me. I quickly searched my skirt pockets for my phone and dialled Josh’s number. It rang a few times before he picked up.
“Hey what you doing ringing at this time” I started crying. “What’s up?” He asked, I could tell in his voice that he was panicking.
“I have been raped”