Sequel: My Heart

Never Let This Go

Chapter 12

As we pulled up in the driveway of my house I could see all of the gang waiting at the front door.
“Hey guys” I said as Josh helped me out of the car and towards them. They all gave me hugs and asked if I was alright. The girls burst into tears.
“Why are you guys crying?” I asked. My eyes began to fill up again.
“We knew we should have come home with you, this wouldn’t have happened if someone was with you.” Hayley said
“I know but what’s happened, happened, and all I wanna do now is forget about it till I have to go court.” We all went inside my house and up to my room and watched a few films trying to take my mind off things. It kinda worked being with all my friends took my mind off things for a while. It was getting late and everyone started to go home coz they had school tomorrow. My mom wanted me to stay home for a while I wasn’t going to complain but that mean staying home doing nothing. Josh said that he would stay with me until I was ready to go back. I told him he can’t miss out on education because of me. He said that he felt guilty because he feels like its somewhat his fault that his happened to me. And is he was with me he wouldn’t have come anywhere near me. We spent like a hour talking about what happened, it made me feel tons better. I feel asleep in Josh’s arms but just before I feel asleep I heard Josh say that he was gonna stick by me all the way through this and kiss me. That made me smile so much. Most guys that I have dated would have turned their backs on me by now. I’m really happy that I’m with Josh.
“I love you” I said
“I love you too”
The next morning I woke up to find a letter on the beside table. It said “I meant what I said last night, even if I had to miss a day or two of recording the band would understand. Anyways gone to school I’ll be back at dinner to see you. Love Josh xxx”
I sat there smiling to myself for about 10 minutes, he made all my worries disappear. After my little daydream I read over the letter than it hit me. They got the record deal?! Oh my gosh that great. Then I read the bit before that. I can’t let him miss out because of me. I’m going to have to talk to him. I mean they are the next big thing.
A couple of hours past it was now 12 Josh should be on his way, I logged on to myspace while waiting for him. I had a messege from Nikki. It said “I’m sorry bout the other week, I no I was outta order and I added you to make things right.” Wow as if I’m going to fall for that I decided to ignore it and check my other stuff. Oh a new friend request, who it off. OH MY GOSH its him. I quickly declined the request and switched my laptop off. It was coming back to me again, so I quickly grabbed my ipod and turned on some thing upbeat and happy. The first thing that came on was a band called Son of dork. there are from the UK, all their songs had a comical theme to them. Half way through the song Slacker I felt someone tap me. I opened my eyes and turned around it was Josh and Zac.
“Hey guys what’s that you got?” I said looking at the pieces of paper in Josh’s hands
“Work, the teachers gave me to give to you so you don’t fall behind.”
“Oh goodie” I said sarcastically.
“How is your ankle?” Zac asked
“Its still sore, the pain is just unbearable when I try and put pressure on it. You sure the doctor said that it wasn’t broken?” I asked
“Yeah I’m sure” Josh giggled
“Oh yeah we need to talk” I said to Josh
“Oh your in trouble” Zac laughed
“No he’s not, you know what you wrote in that letter?” He nodded “Well you can’t miss recording you might not have long to record a demo and you might not get another chance”
“There is no need to miss it, recording is in like a week and you don’t have to go court for another 3 months, I’m sure it don’t take that long”
“Ok, coz I didn’t want you guys to miss out, this is the big deal”
“I know but you don’t have to worry now”