Sequel: My Heart

Never Let This Go

Chapter 13

Two month after that happened everyone was around at mine and sat beside the pool chatting about how the recording went. They are half way through the process, the next stage is choosing the songs for the album. That was the only problem at the moment. They have played a few festivals all ready and the crowds loved them. Me, Sarah and Kacey, got to go down to one of the festivals and back backstage, that made my summer because I got to see all of my fav bands. Anyways back to now, the trial is coming up in a few weeks and I’m getting nervous. They caught the guy that rapped me, and he has been lock up till the trial which is a relieve. Eh just thinking about it made me feel sick.
“You alright Sarah, you have gone a funny colour” Zac said
“Yeah, I’m fine, I just feel a bit sick I’ll be right back.” I said. I got up and walked into the kitchen and got myself a drink of water. It didn’t help much, in fact it made the sickness worse. I quickly ran upstairs to the loo, and began throwing up. I was in there for about 20 minutes, what’s wrong with me I haven’t eaten anything proper today but that couldn’t have been why I’m throwing up like this. I freshened myself and went back downstairs.
“Hey where did ya go?” Josh asked as he was walking up to the house
“Just the loo”
“You feeling any better”
“Not really”
“Do ya want me to take you to the doctors tomorrow, you have been like this for like a week”
“I know I will go if I’m like this tomorrow”
That night I was sleep out at Josh’s. I woke up feeling really sick, I quickly ran to the bathroom and started throwing up. I came back out to see Josh lay awake.
“Sorry if I woke you” I whispered
“Its ok but you are going to the doctors tomorrow”
“Fine” I said as I got back into bed. It took me a while to get back to sleep, because I was thinking about what could be wrong with me. The next morning I woke up to Josh shaking me.
“Come on you have to get up, I had made a appointment for you, its in a hour”
“Eh I don’t wanna get up” I said as I pulled the covers over my head
“You have to” Josh laughed. He tried to pulls the covers off me but that didn’t happen. He fall onto the bed, I poked my head out from the covers and started laughing and said your gonna have to make me get up. So he did. He crawled over towards me and began to kiss my neck. Oh no this feels so good. But just as I was getting into it he stops.
“Why have you stopped” I said as I pulled a sad face
“I’ll continue later that’s if you get up now”
“Oh fine I’ll get up then” I groaned as I got up
“I knew that would make you get up” He smirked. I quickly got dressed and went straight to the doctors. I told Josh to stay at home coz I was only going to be half an hour. I got to the doctors and sat in the waiting room for about 10 minutes before they called me into the nurse. She asked me all sorts of questions, in the end she told me that she wanted me to take a pregnancy test. So I did, I thought to myself I can’t be pregnant, can I? Then I remembered. Oh no please this can not be happening. After I done I had to wait 3 minutes, I was the longest 3 minutes of my life. All these thought came into my head, what if I am pregnant what I’m I gonna tell people. What am I gonna tell Josh?
It was time to find out. The nurse looked at it and said it positive. I’m pregnant. I broke down into tears and started to cry uncontrollably.
What am I going to do?