Sequel: My Heart

Never Let This Go

Chapter 15

After that talk I decided to go home, and tell my mom that I have made my mind up, and apologised for shouting. After that I went to see Josh. He wasn’t happy when I told him I was keeping the baby but he soon agreed with the idea. I’m so happy I have him to side by me. Honestly I don’t know what I would do without him now. A month and a half later, and it was time for the trail and I was really nervous. I was in Josh’s bathroom getting ready and I glance at my stomach for a second, it was pretty big at this stage of the pregnancy that’s what I thought, I should only be starting to show. So I went downstairs and got a second opinion. I was greeted by Isabella, she was getting use to me now since I spend nearly every night here. I’m surprised I haven’t had a argument with anyone yet. Especially Josh.
“Morning gorgeous” He said as I walked in to the kitchen.
“Morning” I said as I hugged and kissed him. Zac came into the kitchen and yelled ew get a room. Josh said well we did have, until you walked in here. Its like that time I walked in on you and Hayley. I started to giggle because Zac started to make faces, and told us to shut up. His mom doesn’t know about him and Hayley.
“Oh yeah I need your opinion guys. Do you think my stomach is bigger than it should at this stage?” I said as I pull my shirt up to expose my tummy.
“It does a bit” Josh said as he put his hand on my tummy. I gasped
“Oh my gosh get your hand off now its freezing” I said as I playfully slapped his hand. I got up and went back upstairs to get ready. I was followed by Josh.
“Don’t be stressing out, about anything and be running around after yourself when I’m not here” he said
“What do you mean?” I was confused
“I thought I told you” I shook my head “Our album has been released now and we are going on tour in a month for 3 months.”
“Really? Wow that’s great. And don’t worry about me I’ll be fine” I said while giving him a reassuring smile. An hour later me, Josh was in the court, we was waiting outside for them to call me in. The nerves were kicking in again. Hurry up I don’t want to wait any longer the sooner I get this over with the better. And I have to come back in 2 weeks to hear if my rapist gets sent down. The big doors in front of us opened . One of the guards came out and said my name. I turned to Josh, he smiled at me and wished me luck. I slowly got up and walked towards the guard. I was took to the stand, all eyes was on me, the lawyers have been told that I’m pregnant so they could put loads of pressure on me. As I got in the stand I was read the rights and so it began.
Question after question, I told them everything that happened that night, then it was his lawyers turn, he completely turned everything round like they do. He asked me things like do I take drugs because I said my drink was spiked. After 15 minutes of being asked more questions I was allowed to go. As I walked past everyone I glanced at him. He saw me and smiled and waved. Eh, he thinks he going to get away with this well he is wrong.
Two weeks later I’m back in the court house, but this time Sarah, Jeremy, Zac, Hayley, Josh, Taylor and Kacey was sat with me. I’m so lucky to have friends like them. We waited half an hour for the jury to come out and tell us the verdict. I looked at Josh and he was staring at that guy. I grabbed Josh’s hand which broke the stare. I whispered in his ear don’t give him the satisfaction. Finally the jury came out and sat back down. The judge asked them have you reached a verdict. One of them stood and said yes. There was a pause. The silence was broken after a few seconds
“We find the defendant…. Guilty” I let a huge sigh of relief out like Josh and the rest of the gang did. I was soo happy, he was going to get at least 10 years for rape. I watched him being taken out of the court room with a big smile plastered on my face. I’m so glad that this is over with. The next thing is having this baby.
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