Sequel: My Heart

Never Let This Go

Chapter 16

Walking down the school hall way for the first time in ages, yes I’m at school and 5 months preggers. Can’t believe my mom made me come back, I’m going to have loads of people hassling me asking all sorts of questions and I really don’t need it at the moment. The bell rang for first lesson, I walked quickly as I could to my locker and grabbed my things for art. On my way to art there was a girl in the grade above me. She walked past me and called me a slag. I turned around and said excuse me
“You heard” this girl hissed
“Its not my fault I got pregnant”
“It is when you sleep with your boyfriend without protection” She shouted as she walked further down the hall. What was she talking about? Shit I’m late. I walked quickly to art and walked into the classroom. The teacher turned around and looked down her nose at me. “Sorry I’m late” I said I waddled my way over to Kacey.
“Wow, your getting big ain’t ya?” she said. She hasn’t seen me in like a month coz she got grounded
“I know, my belly shouldn’t be this big now”
“Maybe your having triplets” My jaw dropped.
“Don’t say that your scaring me” I said as I pouted my bottom lip out
“I’m sorry” she said as she hugged me.
“It’s ok,” I laughed. We got told off by the Mrs Harris, oh my gosh she is such a bitch. I preferred the other art teacher we had. Half an hour into the lesson and Nikki came over to me.
“Hey sorry to hear what happened to you” she giggled
“And that would be?” I said playing dumb coz I really don’t want to be talking about that guy again.
“Well you got yourself up the duff and Josh has left you, now you have to bring a kid up all by yourself” She said slightly shouting so the whole class heard. I stopped what I was doing, and slowly turned my head to look at her.
“Who has told you that?”
“A little birdie”
“Well who ever told you is lying.” I said trying not to stress out.
“So where’s Josh now then? She asked
“He’s on tour with the rest of his band if you must know” Kacey butted in
“Yeah right like that band is on tour, there rubbish”
“Nikki take your seat now and stop hassling the poor girl” The teacher shouted, which made her jump. That made me go into a giggle fit but I soon stopped coz did I hear that teacher right? She was sticking up for me? Wow. The bell rang for next lesson . Thank gosh its another lesson with Kacey, if I didn’t have anyone with me I would seriously die of boredom in the lessons. As we walked to next lesson I got all this weird looks off people and some called me a few names. I just feel like screaming. Kacey stuck up for me to stop me getting wound up. If I get stressed it could harm me and the baby. I’m really starting to get use to carrying another living thing inside me. I shouldn’t get to attached though, I still have to give it away. We had gym now I obviously I got to sit this one out but I still had to do written work. My phone beeped 5 minutes into the lesson. It was a text of Josh. A smile grow on my face when I saw his name appear on the screen. “Hey hw r u? u up 2 much” The text read. I quickly texted him back saying I was fine, I also told him about the rumour someone has spread round. I got I text back saying “Omg hw dare they, ppl can be so disrespectful, if I was there I wouldn’t let them speak to ya lyk tht”. I texted back saying I wish he was here, I miss him. After an hour of texting him the bell rang for next lesson oh goodie. Another hour of name calling and bitching.