Sequel: My Heart

Never Let This Go

Chapter 18

I came out of the hospital with mixed emotion. I am having triplets, thank god I’m not dealing with them after being born. After thinking that I felt really bad. I looked at the scan photo the nurse took and give me. After the hospital Sarah took us to burger king, thanks gosh, I’m staving. Damn that means I’m going to eat more than I am not. I hope I don’t end up huge. After the meal Kacey invited us to stay the night at her house. I warned them that I will be up and down to the loo all night. They said they didn’t care, we haven’t had a proper girly night in. An hour later we was all in Kacey’s house asking each other questions.
“This one is for Sarah, if you wasn’t pregnant when Josh comes home, would ya sleep with him.” Said Sarah
“Probably, being the whore that I am” I giggled. The girls laughed along. We just kept asking silly questions like and we got loads of gossip about what the others up to. Then we got on to the subject of the babies.
“Are you choosing the baby’s names?” Kacey asked
“I don’t know should I?”
“Yeah you should, you cant choose who you give your babies to, so why not pick the names”
“Your right. I have an idea lets write down girls names and put them in like a bowl and write some boys names and put them in a different bowl”
“Good idea” We was sat there for about half an hour thinking of names to write down. Once we was finished we all pull one name each out of the bowls.
“I have Mary-Anna and Jamie.” Said Kacey
“I have Tiffany and David, what do you have?” Asked Sarah
“I have Hannah and Steven.” I said as I opened each piece of paper.
“Do you like any of them names?” Sarah asked
“Yeah I really like them all” We spent the rest of the night talking about how we miss the lads and how lucky Hayley was to be touring with her boyfriend. Oh well only 2 and a half months to wait till I see Josh. The next day it was all around school that I was having Josh’s kids. How disrespectful can people be. There was the odd person that would come up to me and say that they didn’t believe the rumour, to be honest I didn’t care about who believed it or not, its none of their business but mine. After school I went and told my mom that I wasn’t going back to school, it was stressing me out. She agreed with me for once, yes no school for 4 months wooo. These months are going to fly by.
Before I knew it, it’s the day the band come home, their tour was successful, that’s good news, bad news is that they are going back on tour again in a few months. Oh well I guess that’s what I’m going to have to deal with. Me, Kacey and Sarah was all waiting at the Farro’s house eagerly for them to walk though the door. We heard a bus pull up on the frond yard.
“Their home” Josh’s mom yelled. Everyone got up and went outside but me and Sarah.
“How come your not out there now”
“I didn’t want to leave you on your own, they will be coming in anyway soon.” True. I still haven’t told Josh or the rest of the band that I’m having triplets. Can’t wait to see there reactions. I could hear Josh and Jeremy shout where’s Sarah. I’m guessing someone pointed to the house coz the next thing we saw was them run into the living room towards us. Josh stood there in shock, I just smiled, he soon snapped out of it and give me the biggest hug and kiss ever.
“What’s wrong” Josh asked as he sat down next to me.
“Nothing, the babies are going mad in here, they haven’t been like that until now” I said as I looked down at my belly. I had no tops now that fitted me properly so my tummy was always on show.
“Maybe its because Josh is here” Sarah suggested.
“Yeah maybe” I said as I give Josh another kiss. I’m so glad he is home.
“So how come you didn’t tell me about this” He said as he pointed towards my tummy.
“I just wanted to see your reaction” I said, then pulled my tongue teasingly.
“So it is twins or triplets” he asked. I stick three fingers up “Well good luck with that” he laughed
“Its not funny, I am scared” I said. He pulled me in to his arms and whispered “You don’t have to be now that I’m here with you.
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