Sequel: My Heart

Never Let This Go

Chapter 20

Chapter 26

“What?” Shouted Kacey
“You heard her, what do we do?” Zac said panicky
“Well, first you gotta help me up then you have to get me to the hospital” I said calmly
“Why are you so calm?” Hayley asked
“The pain hasn’t kicked in yet” I said as I took a sip of my drink
“Right let get her up” Josh suggested. Everyone helped me up of the couch and into Josh’s car. All the neighbours was looking threw their window out us because everyone was yelling and panicking. I was the only one that was calm for the moment. Just as I got into the car, I got this big pain that shot right through my stomach.
“OH MY GOSH” I cried. I made everyone jump
“I take it the pain has kicked in now” I heard Jeremy say. I threw him the evilest look ever. I was in so much pain right now.
“Josh could you hurry up please” I said through my teeth. He moved quick enough after that.
“See you guys at the hospital” Josh shouted as we drove away. It would have took us at least 20 minutes to get to the hospital but Josh was speeding.
“Slow down you don’t wanna get a ticket or cause a accident” So he did. Oh no hear comes the pain again. I began to cry uncontrollable, this pain is unbearable. Thanks gosh we are at the hospital now, I really need something to take this pain away. We walked over to the receptionist and told her, she sent someone down with a wheel chair and took us down to one of the delivery rooms. These babies better had be coming now coz I can’t wait for hours.
Sure enough I was waiting for hours, I was walking up and down in the room doing my breathing exercises. Josh was walking up and down with me, and held my hand . The doctor came in after 10 minutes of walking up and down. I don’t know why they say it helps if you do that coz it don’t. He measured how far dilated I was. I was only 3cm and you have to be 10 to delivery. Shit.
“Why are you guy putting me through so much pain, haven’t you done enough of that” I yelled at my stomach. Now I know the reason why woman make such a big deal out of it. Its all the pain. I can’t imagine how much pain I’m going to be in when I’m pushing them out. I lay on the bed and began to cry again.
“I just want them out now”
“I know” Josh said. He give me a kiss on the forehead and held my hand. I warned him that when I get another contraction he will have no hand left. He laughed and said he didn’t care. A nurse came into the room with a needle. Thank gosh some drugs to take this pain away. It took a few minutes to kick in but it sure worked. I still got little pains for contraction but it was better than before. The doctor came back and checked how far I was again. I was 7 cm now. Yay not long to go. Oh shit I forgot to text me mom and tell her I’m in labour.
“Josh could you ring my mom for me and tell her where I am”
“Yeah sure, I’ll be back in 10 minutes” He said, and walked out of the room. So this is it then, this is the final part of my nightmare. As soon as these babies are born I can get on with my own life. This is what I told myself but it wasn’t sinking in at all. I have really grown to like these babies, they have been living inside me for 9 months. Its wasn’t their fault I was raped, their just the result of the whole thing. Oh no. The pain is back again, but this time I just felt like I had to push. Oh Josh please hurry up. Few minutes later he walks through the door and saw I was in pain again, so he shouted for the doctor. The doctor came in and measured me again. I was full dilated, it was time.
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2 more chapters till the end :(