Sequel: My Heart

Never Let This Go

Chapter 3

“Has she bothered you before” Josh asked concerned
“No not really she called me a few names in my last lesson but nowt to worry about”
“Ok then but if she does anything else, tell me”
“ Ok will do, anyways how do you know her” I asked
“She’s my ex”
“Oh right, do you mind me asking why you split up?”
“Not at all, she cheated on me”
I just sat there I was so shocked, I have only known this guy a day and he is the sweetest guy I have ever met, how could anyone want to cheat on him? Now I know what Hayley and Sarah ment at lunch.
“Oh my god, the whore” I finally said
“I know anyways its my turn to draw you”
It only took him 15 minutes to draw me and when he shown me the drawing I was stunned. It really did look like me, he was a amazing artist. He told me he would do another drawing later on because we wasn’t aloud to take our work home. There was only 5 minutes left till the end of the school day so the teacher let us go early, I decided to walk home with Kacey because she only leaves a few minutes from my house. Before we left school me and josh exchanged phone numbers give each other hugs, he give the best hugs ever, if we didn’t pull away when we did my hands would have started wondering down (lol sorry just had to put that).
I was smiling all the way home and all me and Kacey talked about was my feelings towards Josh. Yep I have developed feelings for josh .
“Aw how cute, and you can tell Josh likes you too”
“ I have been told all day by everyone” I laughed
Speak of the devil, Josh just texted me asking what time to come round Kacey saw me smile
“Whos that?” She asked
“Josh, who else, oh whats wrong with me ” I giggled
“Why whats up?”
“ My hearts just skipped a beat”
“Aw that’s the first sign of when a person is in love” she said teasingly
“What really, but I can’t be in love with josh I have only known him a day
“But that’s what I was like when I first meet Taylor so I was like love at first sight”
“Awww but still I cant be can I ?”

When we got to mine, Kacey said she had to go home first and do a few chores, so I told her to just walk in mine when she comes round. I went inside my house ran upstairs, put some music on, and got changed. I put a black thin strapped top, and a pair of sky blue skinny jeans. I decided to tidy up a bit before everyone arrived. While I was tidying up my fav blink song came on, so I decided to rock out a bit since no one was around or so I thought. Half way through the song I heard a giggle, I stopped dancing and turned round slowly to find Hayley, Sarah and Kacey stood there giggling.
“Don’t stop on our account” Kacey smirked
“Oh my god is anyone else here and did they see that?” I said turning red with embarrassment
“No the lads are coming in like half an hour”
“Ok good coz if any of them were here I would have dropped dead” I laughed
We all went outside into the garden and sat by the pool and started talking about Josh’s ex Nikki.
“I found out before about what you ment by Josh finding someone nice for him” I said
“Oh yeah how did you find out about Nikki?” Hayley asked
“Well, she was trying to start trouble with me again in art, and Josh had a go at her, then he told me all about her”
“Aw it was cute how he defended ya”
“I know but why did he go out with someone like that in the first place?”
“I don’t know but she is a complete bitch for doing that to him”
15 minutes went past as we bitched about Nikki, I hoped she had no friends living next to me, oh well. I heard the doorbell ring I quickly got up and ran inside and I heard Kacey shout “Look she cant wait to see Josh” I stopped at the back door turned round and give her the middle finger jokingly. All of them started laughing and teasing me so I went inside and answered the door. When I opened the door Josh seemed more happier to see me than before. I invited them all in and walked them through to the back yard. The next thing you heard was Zac screaming “CANNONBALL” and the next thing you saw was Zac jump into the pool. All three girls screamed because Zac got water on them, me, Josh and Taylor were in fits of laughter.
“Dude, you do know that you didn’t bring any spare clothes to change into?” Taylor finally said while laughing
“Oh snap, oh well”
This made everyone laugh even more, after we all calmed down the guys started whispering and Josh came over to me
“Erm what are you doing? I asked
“This” Josh smirked. He picked me up and throw me over his shoulder. I started to scream like a little girl which made everyone laugh. He finally throw me in the pool oh my god it was so cold.
“Josh Farro! You are so going to pay for this”
“Oooo I’m scared”
“So you should be” I joked
He held his hand out to help me get out but instead of getting out I pulled him in. Oh my god why did I do that, he looks so sexy. He stopped laughing and looked at me weird. He swam over towards me and kissed me. That didn’t come as a complete shock to me.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that” he said as he pulled away
“No you should have” And pulled him into another kiss this time the group saw us and started wolf whistling.
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Tell me what ya think. =]