Sequel: My Heart

Never Let This Go

Chapter 4

After we got out of the pool all eyes was on us.
“What, its not like you haven’t seen two people kiss before” Josh said looking at Kacey and Taylor
“Yeah, but not like that, me and Kace save that for the bedroom” Taylor giggled
At this point everyone was laughing and Kacey hit Taylor. We went inside after a while and played guitar hero. First it was Josh and Taylor, then Josh and Jeremy, coz he beat Taylor so basically Josh beat everyone, till my turn came up and I beat him
“You let me win, play again and guys watch him” I said whilst laughing. So we played again and I beat him again.
“Haha you got beat by a girl” Zac teased
“Oh well, she is pretty good”
“Yeah yeah so he says” I laughed. It was getting late now and everyone started to go home I exchanged numbers and IM with everyone. Josh waited till everyone had gone so we could talk.
“So about before, when did you realise that you liked me?” I asked
“Well its kind of hard to explain coz this morning on the bus I got this weird feeling in my stomach”
“Really coz I got the same feeling but I made my mind up when I got home before and can I just say you looked so hot when you was in that pool” I said as I went to kiss him, next thing I heard was some one come into the living room. I chose to ignore them because I thought is was Zac waiting for Josh but I turned out to be my mum.
“What do you think you are doing young lady?!” I immediately pull away and went 10 shades of red
“I better get going” Josh said as he got up off the couch
“I’ll show you out” I said as I followed him out of the living room
“Sorry if I got you into trouble”
“Its ok I’ll see you at school tomorrow”
“Ok I’ll meet at the gate bye” he said just before giving me one last kiss. I watched him walk down the drive way before turning away I let out a big sigh. This is the happiest I have been in ages, and now to deal with my mother.

Chapter 8

“You know the rules about having a lad in the house on your own, so why did you chose to break them?” she asked demandingly
“I didn’t break them, there was other friends here just before you arrived, anyways what you doing home early?
“Don’t try and change the subject if you have him in here again when I’m not here your grounded”
“Ok” I said as I turned away from her and walked up to my room. I got straight into bed and I thought about today my thought were interrupted by my phone beeping. It was a text off Josh, asking if I was in trouble. Aw how sweet is he? I quickly texted him back telling him what my mum said, I got a text back almost straight away saying “Ok nite, sweet dreams xxx” After that I just smiled all night.
The next morning I woke up to the sound of my mum shouting for me to get up again. I got up and thought about last night again, which made me smile again, nothing can stop me from being this happy now. As I walked to school I texted Josh to let him know I was on my way, as I was walking up my road I heard someone shout my name, I turned around to see Kacey and Taylor.
“Hey guys, how are you today?”
“We’re good thanks. Did you and Josh get up to anything last night” Kacey asked dying to know the juicy gossip.
“No all we did was kiss and my mom walked in on us”
“Oh that’s bad”
“I know, and she made into a big deal, I mean we didn’t do anything wrong”
“That’s the way moms are its their job to be protective”
“Yeah but she has to accept the fact that I’m growing up I mean come on I’m 17 at Christmas”
“Really so am I, high five” Taylor said and give him a high five. Half an hour later we got to school and Josh was waiting for me at the gate like he said. I went up to him and give him a hug and kiss, as we pulled away from the kiss who walks past? Nikki. She give me the dirtiest look ever, oh she is so pissed off. We walked into school and went to our first lesson which was art again. The teacher was ill so we got to do whatever we liked. Me, Josh and Kacey was chatting among ourselves until Nikki and her posse came over.
“What to you want now?” I asked not ever looking at her
“Since when have you and that weirdo been dating” She said ignoring me
“Wouldn’t you like to know”
“Erm yes that why I asked”
“Why don’t you just leave them alone they have done nothing to you?” Kacey said
“Why don’t you butt out? And since you guys are moving so fast since you have only know her a day, has she told you about what her dad did to her?”
That was it something in me just snapped, no one has talked about my dad since he got sent down. I flew off my chair and attacked her.
“How the hell did you find out about my dad?” I yelled as I grabbed hold of hair. At this point we was on the floor and people started to stand around us. I punched her a couple of times and she attempted to hit me. Josh pulled me off her and calmed me down. I took a look at her and I think I broke her nose and pulled some of her hair out, and josh said my eye was red and I had a few scratches.
“Sarah Jones and Nikki Peters to the headmasters office now” the teacher demanded
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thanks to everyone thts commented on this story =]