Sequel: My Heart

Never Let This Go

Chapter 7

“Shit guys you have to go now” everyone was panicking and rushing around tidy everything up. I told everyone to leave thought the back door, I would have completely forgot about Kacey and Tayor if it wasn’t for Jeremy.
“Where are you going, outside is that way?” I said
“Yes I know but they are still in there” Jeremy said while pointing at the closet
“Oh yeah”
“Guys we have to go now stop whatever you are doing Sarah‘s mom on her way to the door” Jeremy laughed. Kacey came out her hair way messed up and she was doing up her top. Taylor had all lipstick marks on his face. I just had to giggle, I soon stopped when I heard my moms voice coming closer to the house. Everyone ran outside and hide at the side of the house till the coast was clear. I said my byes to everyone and told them I’d see them in a weeks time, that’s if I don’t get caught when I go in. I quickly rushed inside into the living room, and switched on the tv and pretended that I was asleep, to make things look convincing. I heard her come in after 10 minutes at that point I was half sleep and I decided I couldn’t be bothered to move so I just slept on the couch.
It has been two weeks since everyone was over and I’m in school waiting for the last lesson to end. It was Friday, yay weekend soon. Me and Kacey was talking about the sleepover at Josh and Zac’s house tonight.
It was Zac’s 16th birthday today and he planned that he wanted us to go all to go cinema and mall after school.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so nervous about later on” I said
“How come?” Kacey questioned
“Well this will be the first time I will be meeting his whole family, I mean what if his mom doesn’t like me, coz the first time she saw me was that day he got dragged home she was mad”
“You will be fine, I was like that when I first met Taylor’s family, oh yeah I forgot to tell ya, their band is playing tomorrow at one of the local clubs at 7”
“Really cool, I haven’t heard them play before, oh I can’t wait this weekend is gonna be great”

The bell rang finally, I went straight home, got changed and packed a few things for tonight. Josh said that he would meet me here and walk me to his before the others get there so I could be introduced mom and dad properly. Half an hour later, Josh turns up, I quickly left my mom a note saying were I was going and I won’t be home tonight. I walked out of my house, give Josh a kiss and began to make our way to his house.
“My mom said she can’t wait to meet you”
“Really, I didn’t think she would like me coz the first time she saw me was when she dragged you home from mine that day we got suspended”
“Awww, I explained to her and why I got suspended she completely understood why I did what I did”
“Oh right cool, that’s made me feel a lot calmer”
“You shouldn’t be nervous, she is really nice” he said giving me a reassuring smile. When we arrived at his house, we was greeted by his little sister, she must have been 8 or 9 she was being chased by one of her big brothers
“Joshie, tell Jon to stop chasing me with water balloons” the little girl squealed. The next thing you saw was a little boy come running from the back garden with a handful of water balloons. He threw one at the little girl and it hit her and she started to cry.
“Hey, now that’s not nice, apologise to her now” he said as he comforted the girl.
“That good, now go and play nicely” He said as we walked around to the back garden were Zac and his mom was talking.
“Hey mom, this is Sarah my girlfriend.”
“So you’re the girl Josh won’t stop talking about, its nice to meet you” she said as she gave me a hug
“Its nice to meet you too” I said while I was slightly blushing from what she said. I sat down and made small talk with his mom for about 15 minutes, because everyone started to arrive for the night out. First we went shopping so everyone could buy Zac something, I was having trouble finding something, because I don’t know what he would like. Josh noticed I was having trouble so he decided to take me to one of the music stores, I picked up a CD by one of my fav bands, Jimmy Eat World and asked Josh would he like this. He said hell yeah coz there was one of his fav bands aswell.
After half an hour, we all met up at the cinema in the mall, we was arguing about what to go and see, until Josh suggested that Zac chose the film. He looked kinda scared coz he was watching all of us argue. In the end he chose Resident Evil 2, great choice I loved the first one this one better be good, and it was. It made everyone jump a few time and I swore I could have hear Kacey squeal a one point, which made me go into a giggle fit, we nearly got kicked out because of me, but I soon stopped when it was my turn to be scared. I grabbed hold of Josh’s hand and I think I was hurting him coz I was slightly digging me nails into him. After that he kept his arm around me to keep me safe awww.