Sequel: My Heart

Never Let This Go

Chapter 8

After the film we all went and got ice cream and went to the arcade, where I spent most of the time in there on the dance mat. Kacey decided to challenge me, to took her up on the challenge and warned her that I was really good, she didn’t mind. We did a song called max 300 on standard which was pretty easy, then we did end of the century on difficult, and on the last go we was going to attempt to do max 300 on difficult. Kacey decided after a minute on that song she couldn’t do anymore, so Hayley had a go, she was really good she completed it, and I almost failed. I turned round after I was finished to see that Josh had been recording the whole thing.
“Oh my gosh you have not been recording me on here?”
“Yeah and its going on you tube, your really good.”
“Thanks but now its your turn to have a go on here with Taylor” I laughed as I took the camera off him.
“Alright then but just so you know I suck at this”
“Your not the only one” Taylor giggled. On the first two songs they did on easy and on the last one they did on expert for a laugh, they failed miserably of course.
“You know that isn’t going on the internet” Josh said
“Oh yes it is and you can’t say or do anything thing to make me delete this off my phone”
“Oh really, just you wait till later” Josh laughed
“What’s that meant to mean?” I giggled
“You’ll see” he said as he kissed me,
“Hey there will be no dirty stuff going on tonight at least when I’m not in the room” Zac said
“We wasn’t planning on doing anything until now, only joking” Josh said
“Dam” I said jokingly
We decided to make our way home now before we got kicked out of the arcade for messing around.
“I’m soo tired” I said as I put my head on Josh’s shoulder.
“So am I but we have loads of fun things to do when we get in” Said Kacey
“Oh I can’t wait” I giggled. It took us 10 minutes to get to Josh and Zac’s house and when we went in, there was a note on the kitchen table saying that his mom and dad have gone to stay at their grandma’s house for the weekend, so we have the house to ourselves, great. All of us sat down and talked about what we was going to do now
“I have a idea” Hayley said shre came over to me and whispered did I have and waxing strips, I laughed and told her where they was.
“What was all that about?” Jeremy asked
“You’ll see” I said. I quickly told the rest of the girls the idea and they thought it was funny. Hayley came back down with a smile plastered she laughed.
“Who want their legs waxed?“ she laughed. All the lads said no, and they all looked a bit scared. Aw bless them. In the end Jeremy and Josh plucked up the courage to have it done. Jeremy is up first, Sarah was the one waxing his legs, as she put the strips on his leg he bit on to his hand to stop himself screaming like a girl and to take the pain from his legs away. As Sarah removed the strips, Jeremy let out a little scream which made everyone go into giggle fits.
“Now its your turn” I said to Josh
“Oh no” He said pretending to cry
“Come on, its not that bad look at Jeremy’s legs” I said pointing at them. They was red where the strips were.
“Ok then, lets just get it over with” He said preparing himself for the pain. I put the strips and removed them straight after putting them on, just to make it quick. He didn’t seem bothered about the pain.
“That was it? That’s what all the fuss was about?” he laughed
After that we all split up and did our own little thing, Jeremy and Sarah went and sat outside near the pool, Taylor and Kacey was sat on the couch watching a film that was on tv, and me and Josh was in the kitchen making a pizza. We started talking about tomorrow night, and how nervous he was.
“How come your nervous?” I asked
“Well first of all there is a talent scout coming, and second of all it’s the first time I’ll be playing in front of you” He said
“There is no need to be nervous, all of you are going to do great” I said as I give him a kiss.
“By the way speaking of all of us, have you seen Zac recently? I didn’t give him his birthday present”
“I think he went upstairs, I forgot to give him mine aswell. Do you want me to take us up?”
“No I was going upstairs any ways I’ll take yours” The next thing I heard was Josh shouting from upstairs oh my gosh. I ran straight up stairs like everyone else, and the next thing I saw was Zac and Hayley slightly undressed.